Page 32 of Drift Would

Having dealt with him, she fixed what she hoped was a comforting smile on her face and slowly approached the child.

The boy shook violently. Tears shone on his cheeks.

Poor little baby. Her heart twisted.

She crouched, lowering herself to the child’s level, and she dropped her voice to a murmur. “I know you’re scared. I’m scared too. But I need you to promise me you won’t say anything about this to anyone. This has to be our secret. Can you do that?”

“I can do that.” He nodded vigorously. “I promise. I’ll be good.”

Fates. He was so young.

“Do you have a home?” She didn’t know why the child was out of his domicile after sunset. That was when the Invaders caused the most trouble, and every Cancri on the planet should know that.

“I have a home.” The child nodded again. “Mommy stays on the sleeping support and she cries and cries and cries. She hurts bad.” He touched his forehead. “I hurt. Mommy gives me medicine. There’s no more hurt. I find medicine. There’s no more hurt for Mommy.”

The child’s mommy likely gave all her pain suppressors to the boy. Roshini sighed. The Invaders had hurt so many good beings.

“I’m going to give you some medicine for Mommy.” She extracted the small container of pain suppressors from her pocket.

Giving him that supply meant she would spend all of her last planet rotations in pain. But the child’s mommy was likely enduring that same agony right now.

The other female’s hurt was as important for Roshini to ease as her own.

“I want you to take this medicine to your mommy right now.” She placed the container deep in one of the boy’s pockets. “You aren’t to stop. You are to go straight home and give it to her. Can you do that?”

“I can do that. I promise.” His little head dipped multiple times. “I’ll go home. I won’t stop. I’ll give medicine to Mommy, and there will be no more hurt.”

“There will be no more hurt for Mommy.” Roshini kissed him gently on the forehead. He was dealing with more than any child should ever have to deal with. And he had seen too much. “Go home and see Mommy.”

She straightened.

“I’m going home.” The boy turned and ran back in the direction from which he had come.

She watched the child for a moment. He didn’t stop.

The medicine should reach his mommy. There would be one less being in agony this planet rotation.

Roshini turned and faced the cyborg.

He was gazing at her with a big grin plastered on his handsome face.

“What are you looking at?” She scowled at the male.

His smile widened even more. “I’m looking at my female.”

“I’m not your female.” She rolled her eyes. “And we don’t have time to stand around gawking at each other. We have two bodies to dispose of.”

The ramifications of their rash, yet not at all regretted, actions hadn’t ended. If the Invaders discovered the corpses of two of their kind, the entire settlement would be punished. Innocent beings would be executed. Homes would be destroyed. There would be slaughter and bloodshed and terror.

She couldn’t allow that to happen.

The dead Invaders had to be moved before anyone noticed they were missing.


Drift was enjoying the best planet rotation of his lifespan.

He had met his female, the one being he was manufactured to care for. She was everything he could hope for and more. He’d flown his modified freighter all-out, and he’d been a rider on his little human’s mounted transport. His female loved going fast also. And he had killed one of his enemies after the male threatened his female.