Page 25 of Drift Would

Drift drew his gun faster. He flicked the setting to stun, aimed his weapon and tapped the trigger.

The male froze in place.

Chaos then erupted. The male behind the bar raised a long gun.

Drift drew his other gun and stunned that being also.

His female flicked the shaping tool. It converted into a gun. She tapped the trigger.

Her aim was impressively true. He veered to the right. The projectile skimmed the body armor covering his left shoulder.

The male on the floor aimed a gun at him.

Drift stunned him.

His female shot at him again.

He twisted his torso to avoid that projectile.

The other female threw her knife.

Drift dodged that blade and immobilized her.

The male he assumed was L raised his gun.

Drift stunned him before he could fire his weapon.

His female converted another tool into a gun and shot at Drift with both weapons.

He expanded his stance as far as he could, dropping his body armor-clad ass to the floor.

The projectiles whizzed over his head.

She shot at him again.

He rolled.

“Fates. I might as well join in.” The gray-haired male drew a gun with one hand and lifted a container of beverage in the other.

Drift stunned him before he took a sip of the liquid.

That left only two beings mobile – him and his female. She rose to her booted feet and shot at him. He holstered his gun and ran around the perimeter of the chamber at cyborg speed. As he accelerated, he climbed the walls.

His female turned and tapped her triggers.

Her skills were adequate…for a human. But they couldn’t match his.

“Fates. You’re fast.” She cleverly tried to anticipate his movements, targeting the space in front of him.

“Cyborgs are fast.” He varied his speed and his path. The projectiles pinged around him. “But I’m the fastest. I’ve set speed records in the past on booted feet.”

Those speed records had held for solar cycles. Until a new model had beaten them.

“That’s impressive.” His female shot at him. “But this isn’t the past.”

Fraggin’ hole. She was challenging him.

And he loved a challenge. Drift pushed himself to run faster. “That mounted transport parked outside is a sweet ride.”