Page 21 of Drift Would

She parked her mounted transport next to the other vessels.

Luam and the Powluk would park their land transports in that area also when they arrived.

Her friend would recognize her mounted transport. Its disguise wouldn’t fool him. He would know he had backup, a friendly being guarding his ass.

She swallowed a smile as she trudged toward the beverage outlet.

The doors opened.

Acting on instinct, she ducked behind a huge empty container.

She was glad she did that. Because she didn’t recognize the cloaked being who had emerged from the beverage outlet. The being was too small and too slight to be Bubs, Bujji, Olds, Hut, or Gnuck. And the being walked like no one she’d ever seen. They seemed to float above the sand. A hood covered their head.

Roshini curled her fingers over the tool in her right hip holster.

The being paused near her hiding place. The overhead lighting shone on her face. Her eyes were the palest shade of blue. Her expression was serene.

“Trust the male with grey eyes.” The female’s voice was felt, not heard.

Roshini looked around, seeking to find the being the female addressed.

She didn’t see anyone else.

And when she returned her gaze to the female, that being was also gone.

That…wasn’t possible. Roshini searched her surroundings. Nothing moved except the sand. There were no signs of any other being.

The female had simply…disappeared.

Roshini waited. Nothing changed.

She cautiously emerged from behind the container and walked slowly toward the beverage outlet.

The female must know either Bubs or Bujji. No one went to their place randomly.

Roshini would discreetly ask them about her.

All heads turned as she entered the small structure.

Bubs and Bujji stood behind their bar. Bubs was wiping down beverage containers, and Bujji was chopping vegetation.

They nodded at her.

Hut and Gnuck glanced at her briefly and then their gazes returned to each other. Their fingers were linked over the top their horizontal support.

Olds burped and then waved one of his hands in front of his face.

None of them seemed concerned over the visit from the floating female.

Roshini claimed a horizontal support in a dark corner. The seat faced the door. And her back was against the wall.

She could see everyone who entered. And no one could sneak behind her.

Bujji nudged Bubs with one of her elbows.

The male filled one of his newly wiped containers with their own brewed fermented beverage, carried it over to her, and plopped it onto the horizontal support. “The usual?”

“The usual.” Roshini lowered her voice to a rasp. “Saw a new face. Palest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.”