Page 12 of Drift Would

No visuals of those large creatures have ever been recorded. Argot, their communications officer, was more skeptical. If they existed, that documentation should exist.

Drift had doubts about that. Many of the sector’s planets weren’t documented.

This is exhilaratingly random. Grid was thriving on the chaos.

I’ve linked with your ship remotely. Choice, their newest engineer, informed them. I haven’t uncovered any malfunctions.

The modified freighter wasn’t malfunctioning.

Drift sucked back that retort.

The kid was trying to add value. And if Drift had viewed the data remotely, there was a 45.2569 percent probability damage to the vessel’s systems would have been one of his projections also.

Chatter filled the transmission lines. Thousands of discussions and debates occurred at the same time.

Being cyborgs, Drift and Cure could follow them all.

“We have visuals.” Drift placed the image on the main viewscreen and zoomed in on it.

All the transmission lines fell instantly silent. The quiet was eerie.

It was warranted. Drift couldn’t find the words in his databases to express what they were seeing.

A huge green lifeform chomped happily on an asteroid. It had large unshielded eyes and a solid shell on its back. The creature paddled its four flipper-ended limbs very, very slowly. It appeared to float on the intergalactic waves.

Whoa. Grid was the first to transmit.

That’s no spacesuit. Choice relayed information they all already processed.

Don’t fire upon it unless I give the command. Captain issued that unnecessary order.

Drift wouldn’t damage the lifeform. Not unless it sought to damage them.

That was a low-probability event. The creature appeared to be more interested in devouring its rocky snack than provoking hostilities.

The closest match in our databases is the leatherback sea turtle. Strike relayed that intel. It was once found on Ancient Earth. The Ancient Earth lifeform was 18.6185 times smaller than this one, however. And it existed in that planet’s oceans.

Not in fraggin’ space. Grid’s excitement was as acute as Drift’s.

Lifeforms do exist in oxygen-devoid environments. Cure added his input.

The universe contained a vast range of beings.

But to exist in zero pressure, with no atmosphere at all, that’s a biological achievement. The medic’s tone was flat while his words hinted at an uncharacteristic-for-him wonder.

It was a feeling Drift shared. They were looking at a never-before-documented species with never-before-witnessed abilities.

And stars, it was flying, unassisted, through space.

Albeit disappointingly slowly.

The lifeform could be creating its own atmosphere. Choice presented that theory.

I’m flying the modified freighter closer to the space turtle. Drift edged their vessel toward the creature.

Space turtle? Grid laughed.

Until we uncover how the locals refer to the creature, that’s as good a name as any other. Their captain sounded amused.