Page 11 of Drift Would


Drift and Cure continued to travel toward Cancri B.

They avoided any ships they encountered. That was easy to accomplish. Their monitoring ranges had been expanded. As soon as they detected another vessel, they shifted their path temporarily.

When the space in front of them was clear, Drift flew their modified freighter all-out.

But he was unable to break the speed records set for that type of vessel.

“We’re only a heartbeat off.” He was confident he could accomplish his goal. “On our return trip, our cargo hold should be emptier. That’ll give us the engine capabilities we require.”

“We’ll have fewer nourishment bars.” Cure pointed his handheld at him. Everything Drift experienced was being noted. “If we have excess medical supplies at the end of our mission, I’ll leave them on Cancri B. According to my contact, they’re in need of supplies.”

“They’ll be in need of a Rayan Skin Restorer also.” Drift teased the medic. “We could leave that on the planet.”

“We could leave the Rayan Skin Restorer on the planet.” Cure surprised him with that response. “But we won’t leave it there. It’s returning to the Dauntless with me.”

Drift laughed.

“You derive joy from provoking me.” The medic shook his head. “That’s not logical.”

“I derive tremendous joy from provoking you.” Drift’s mirth increased while he decreased their ship’s speed.

They had passed Powlus Zetus, and the charts for the part of the sector they were entering were incomplete. There would be no more attempts at breaking speed records. The probability of collisions was too high.

“If you listened to your organic side once in a while, you would process not everything is 100.0000 percent logical.” He told Cure. “Life is?—”

Red lights flashed on the console.

“My organic side is…inconsistent,” Cure muttered. “It serves no purpose to listen to it.”

“Apply your machine side to our current situation.” Drift projected the readings onto the main viewscreen.

The medic studied the displayed information. “It must be a ship.”

It was the size of a land transport, but… “Our systems relay it’s an unspecified lifeform.”

“That lifeform is situated in open space.” Cure straightened. “It must be wearing a new type of suit. And for a suit to enable the being to travel that range, it must be utilizing new technology.”

“I’m flying us closer to investigate.” Drift changed their trajectory.

“The mission should be our focus.” Cure’s protest was weakly worded. The medic was interested in the lifeform also.

“The lifeform is situated 2.3562 degrees to the east.” Drift wasn’t concerned about the deviation. “The time taken to investigate it will be minimal, and there’s no processing the possible benefits.”

“That new technology could be utilized to save lifespans.” Cure was focused on that aspect.

Drift was more interested in the transport capabilities. To travel at high speeds wearing only a suit would be thrilling.

And he would set all the speed records in that category.

The category didn’t currently exist.

“I’m sharing this with our brethren.” Cure transmitted their previous observations along with their current feed to every cyborg in the universe.

Proceed with caution. Their captain was the first to respond. Assume the entity is hostile.

There are tales, in this sector, of large creatures that fly through deep space. Strike, their former second-in-command, relayed that intel.