Page 89 of Strike Zone

“We’ll relocate to the bridge.” He walked with her through the modified freighter. “While we wait for your friend to return, we’ll contact my captain.”

She squeezed his fingers. “Do you want to be alone for that communication?”

“I want you with me.” Forever. “My captain will expect a comprehensive debrief.” That was the cyborg way. Information flowed freely between them. That had increased their probability of survival over their long lifespans. “What don’t you want him to process?”

His female had his full loyalty. He wouldn’t relay any intel that would emotionally damage her.

She nibbled on her bottom lip for five heartbeats.

“You can tell him everything. Ummm…” Her humming stroked along his cock. “Will he expect to hear about what we did back there by the docking connector?” Pink pigment brightened her cheeks. “Because if he does, I’d rather not be there for that communication.”

Strike grinned. “There’s a very low probability he’s interested in our breeding specifics.”

Captain had his own female, the Valkyrie.

His brethren, in contrast, would be interested. The warriors gathered as much intel as possible about genetic matches in an attempt to prepare for locating their own beings.

He had found his being. Gratitude and wonder coursed through Strike’s circuits as he lowered into the captain’s chair. He pulled his female onto his lap.

Both of them released contented sighs.

They were together. They were touching. And that did more than repair Strike’s emotional system. It gave him a bliss unrivaled by any other experience.

By any other being.

“I love you, my female.” He kissed the back of her beloved head.

“I love you too.” She patted his forearms. “Your captain will be as proud of you as I am, my male. You stopped a war. You might’ve saved millions, billions of lives. Who wouldn’t be proud of a being like that?”

Strike lifted his chin. “You’re the best of females.”

“I’m the best of females because I’m loved by the best of males.” She looked over her shoulder and beamed at him.

Her beauty threatened to down his visual systems.

“Let’s talk to your captain.” She nodded. “After that, if Talley hasn’t returned to our ship, I’ll show you another reason why I’m the best of females.” Her voice lowered to a husky whisper. “That demonstration doesn’t require garments.”

His female would show him by breeding with him.

Strike’s cock pressed against the confines of his body armor.

“I’m opening communications.” He hastily did that.

An image of Captain and Captain’s Valkyrie appeared on the main viewscreen. The officers situated on the Dauntless’s bridge could be detected behind them.

“He has your coloring, my male,” Strike’s female whispered.

“We’re both D Model cyborgs.” Captain, having their kind’s enhanced auditory system, heard her. His tone was amused. “Second, do I project we’ll soon have a new crew member?”

You’ve found your genetic match, you lucky bag of bolts. Drift, the Dauntless’s pilot, expressed his envy through the transmission lines.

Human females are the best genetic matches. Argot, the communications officer, was biased. He was seated beside his own human female.

Based on visuals, your female appears to be in spec. For a human. Cure, their medic, gave him his expert diagnosis. I’ll scan her when she boards.

Your assignment was more successful than mine. Grid, their navigator, sighed.

He was denied permission to test missiles on our shields. Choice, the battle station’s engineer, explained.