Page 86 of Strike Zone

Fates. She craved him.

Her dominant male seized the lead in their encounter. He cupped the back of her head, securing her to him, as he drove into her mouth. She tightened her clasp on his base and held on, willing him to use her as he wished.

And he wished to use her hard. He fucked her mouth thoroughly. Her lips hummed. Her jaw ached. Yearning wrapped around her chest.

“Mine.” His declaration changed to one of possession. “Mine.”

She was his. In all ways. And she would have followed him to the ends of the universe.

Instead, he had chosen to maintain the peace around her home planet, to give her that harmony, that reassurance that everyone she cared for would be protected, would be safe.

She worshiped him for that, for everything he’d done and would do, for the joy he’d gifted her, for the confidence he’d nourished, for the way he cherished her with his words, his hands, his cock.

“Close.” He huffed. “So close.”

She tilted her head upward to meet his gaze. Her teeth grazed his shaft.

“Mine.” He howled and thrust as deep as she allowed. Cum propelled from his tip and slammed into the back of her throat. His eyes went dark.

She swallowed. Essence and effervescence flowed down her form and hit her core. Pleasure flared fire hot inside her. She screamed around his cock. Her lips reverberated against his flesh.

“Mine.” Her cyborg roared again. More cum flooded her mouth.

Kesser swallowed and came, swallowed and came. Her body quaked against Strike’s. Her bliss obliterated her thoughts.

All she knew was him and her and the euphoria sweeping over her.

Her fingers and toes, breasts and pussy, chest and ass, and everywhere else bubbled. The link between them strengthened. His heat eddied around her. His taste pirouetted on her tongue.

“Fraggin’ hole.” Her cyborg’s legs folded under him. His cock slipped from her lips.

He fell.

His knees hit the floor with a loud smack. The metal tiles bent under the impact.

She winced. That must’ve hurt.

Her cyborg showed no signs of discomfort. He pulled her to him and pressed her face against his heaving chest. “My female.” His big body shook.

She wrapped her arms around him. “I have you.” She rubbed his back. “I’ll always have you. You’re my male.” She paused. He might not hear her. She wasn’t certain if that part of him had reactivated. But she had to tell him. “I love you.”

He recoiled as though she had struck him.

Fates. She’d said the words too soon.

Kesser’s stomach twisted painfully. “You might not be ready to hear that, but?—”

“I’m ready.” Her cyborg gazed down at her. His eyes blazed with energy.

Her face heated. “I love you.” She repeated those three words.

They’d already been said…and heard once. An additional time wouldn’t change anything. And she wanted to say them.

She wanted to tell him everything she felt.

That urge was too strong for her to resist.

“I think I loved you the moment I sensed your presence.” She had trusted him immediately. That was indisputable. And trust was often a component of love. “I saw Talley and Tsadok being abducted, and I was so scared. Then I looked across the crowd, and you were there, and I knew…I knew I was no longer alone. You’d be by my side during the rescue and maybe for longer than that.”