Page 70 of Strike Zone

The friend beamed at him.

“I’ll travel to Syndiculous 5 as soon as I’ve completed my investigation into the pulsing sound,” Strike told his female.

She didn’t look at him.

Fraggin’ hole. “I’ll return to you, my female.”

“You can’t guarantee you’ll return to me. Not with 100 percent certainty.” Her lush lips flattened.

She was correct. He couldn’t guarantee he’d return to her.

The universe was a dangerous place.

“I want to focus on now.” She kept her gaze on her friend. “We’re all together. Everyone is safe. It’s a happy planet rotation.”

“Then we’ll focus on now.” He kissed her temple.

“Yes. Let’s focus on now.” The friend cheered. “Tsadok, talk about battles with Kess’s male.” She pulled Strike’s female in the direction of the private chambers. “I have to chatter about female stuff with my friend.”

The Powluk grunted.

Strike watched as his female was taken away from him.

Everything inside him screamed he was losing her.

And that couldn’t happen. She was his future, his everything.

Silence stretched.

Strike had no enthusiasm for chatter of war. Or for anything other than his female.

She was his entire world. He had to repair his bond with her.

Tsadok studied him.

The Powluk sighed. “I’m a terrible Second Zetus.”

He surprised Strike with that confession. Beings rarely admitted to being suboptimal at their current roles.

“A Second Zetus should put his kind and his planet first. I won’t ever do that. My mate comes first with me. I would forgo my role, my responsibilities, my home to be with her.”

“I don’t have that option.” Strike couldn’t forgo his assigned mission. It was too important.

“We all have that option.” The Powluk processed nothing.

“If the source of the pulsing sound is a weapon, everyone in the sector is in danger.” Strike explained that truth to the male. Again. “That everyone includes my female. I will not place her in peril. She also comes first with me.”

“The weapon will have to be destroyed.” Tsadok agreed with him on that point.

Strike huffed.

“Rumors say there are millions of your kind in existence.” The male gazed at him.

“Those rumors are based on reality.” Strike was in contact with millions of his brethren as they chattered. Their transmissions flowed through his processors.

“And you’re the only being who can destroy the weapon?” The Powluk lifted his eyebrows.

Strike said nothing. He wasn’t the only being who could destroy it.