Page 56 of Strike Zone

Fraggin’ hole. Strike hastily grabbed the edge of the opening and pulled himself and his living load out of the space.

Fresh air swept over him. The heat from the planet’s single sun warmed his form.

There was no time to relish the outside ambiance.

Strike set down the beings he was carrying. “Wait, my female.” He rushed back to the opening.

His reckless female was already starting her climb. She was unaware the ladder was now only partially fastened to the wall.

He reached inside and gripped the top rung. “I’ve got it.”

“Fates.” Her eyes widened as she gazed upward. “It’s no longer attached, is it?”

“Progress carefully yet quickly.” Strike would safeguard her.

She climbed.

More and more fasteners snapped into two pieces.

Sweat beaded on his female’s forehead. Yet his brave little human didn’t stop. She determinedly ascended. Her knuckles whitened around the railing.

The last fastener snapped. It fell to the stone floor and clinked as it hit that hard surface.

The ladder swung free of the rock wall.

His female squeaked and held onto it with both hands.

“I won’t allow you to fall, my female.” Strike clasped the ladder more securely, stabilizing it.

“Fates.” She climbed faster.

He slid forward slightly.

Fraggin’ hole. He could be pulled back into the tunnel.

Letting go was not an option. His female was on that ladder.

Strike kicked first one booted toe and then the other into the ground as hard as he could manage. His slide forward stopped.

His female reached the top. “Need. To. Hold onto. You.” She gripped his hands, then his arms and finally linked her fingers at his nape.

Strike released the ladder. It clattered to the rock floor.

And he rolled onto his back, pulling his female out of the tunnel as he moved.

“Fates. You saved me.” Once she was safe, she kissed him with a circuit-straining enthusiasm.

He kissed his little human back as fervently. Her lifespan had been in danger. He could have lost her this planet rotation. He poured his fear, his relief, his caring into her mouth.

Their tongues twined. Her grip on his nape tightened. Strike threaded his bloodstained fingers through her brown curls, savoring her softness and their shared success.

They were alive. They were together.

And they had freed the friend and the friend’s male.

He sucked on his female’s tongue. She tasted of peace and passion and the future. He reveled in that combination.

Desire flared, raging higher and higher.