Page 53 of Strike Zone

“A world-ender,” she repeated. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“A being with a world-ender can destroy an entire planet with one press of a button.” Strike appeared grim. “The Humanoid Alliance, our former manufacturers, have killed billions of beings with their world-enders. Highly skilled warriors, offspring, and others have died. The sound we detected was more powerful than that.”

“It could destroy the entire sector.” Kesser, feeling a bit faint, leaned against him. “With a press of a button, this unknown enemy could kill us all—Syndicul, Powluk, others. We’ll all be dead.” Trepidation rolled her stomach. “How do we prevent that from happening?”

“We find the beings fabricating the weapon, and we stop them. Permanently.” Strike met the Powluk’s gaze. “Those beings won’t be unarmed. And there’s a high probability they’ll be aligned with other forces.”

“It’ll be a war to end all wars.” The Powluk’s eyes gleamed. “And there’ll be glory for any warrior fighting in it. Our names will be written in the stars.”

The male was excited about a confrontation that would decide the fate of the entire sector, of every single living being in it.

The prospect of a battle like that terrified Kesser. She pressed harder against Strike, seeking the comfort of his warmth and the reassurance of his strength.

“A warrior can’t fight two wars at once.” Her cyborg’s gaze remained locked on the Powluk.

The male looked at him, looked down at Talley, then looked at the gun he had pointed to her friend’s head.

Fates. Kesser trembled. He was thinking about shooting her.

Strike must’ve thought that also. He stiffened. “That Syndicul is my female’s sister of the heart. I’d kill any warrior who damaged her. And that male would never fight alongside me and my brethren in the war to end all wars.”

The Powluk paused for a heartbeat.

Then he sighed. “The Powluks have a truce with the Syndiculs.” The male lowered his gun and released Talley.

Kesser’s friend sank to the stone floor.

“Oopsie.” Talley’s eyelids fluttered yet they didn’t open.

“My kind will fight alongside you and your brethren in the war to end all wars.” The Powluk’s chin lifted.

“We’ll defeat those enemies together.” Strike nodded.

“Or we’ll die on the battlefield.” The male seemed a little too eager to do that. “What do you need from us?”

“You are to train. With all weapons. In space, above ground, and under its surface.” Her cyborg gave him tasks to complete. “Mock kill quickly. Move silently. Work as a team with your own kind and with the Syndiculs. And process that glory doesn’t come without sacrifice.”

“We’re prepared for that sacrifice.” The Powluk nodded.

They all knew he was prepared. Kesser suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. The male had mentioned multiple times dying on battlefields and with weapons in his hands.

“Inform me if you receive any intel about the pulsing sound or any super weapons being fabricated.” Strike holstered his guns also. “I’ll contact you every ten planet rotations.”

“Tell no one about this.” Kesser waved at Talley and Tsadok. “No one is to know they were taken.”

“The First Zetus will only hear about it from the Second Zetus.” The Powluk male shrugged. “You can deal with Second Zetus and with your kind.” He paused. Then he looked at Strike. “Do the Syndiculs know about the sector-destroying weapon?”

“They’ll be told.” Strike glanced at Kesser.

She nodded. Her mom would have to be told. She couldn’t withhold information like that from her.

“As of this moment, me, you, my female, and some of my brethren process the threat.” Strike wrapped one of his arms around her waist. “Finding a target is easier if the target doesn’t process they’re being hunted.”

“That hastens the kill.” The Powluk’s head dipped. “We’ll find our foes and we’ll destroy them. Glory will be ours.”

Glory would be theirs. Kesser looked up at her cyborg’s projectile-ravaged face.

She wasn’t certain she was included in that grouping.