Page 4 of Strike Zone

“The Nimble’s directive is to deal with any issues along the border.” The other captain pushed back. “This situation, whatever it is, isn’t presently situated along that border.” He paused. “Allow us to focus on our directive, and take the lead on this, my friend. We’ll back you on any decisions you make, and we’ll be here to lend support.”

“We’ll keep you informed.” Their captain’s shoulders lowered slightly. “Ending communications.”

The image on the main viewscreen reverted to the openness of space. The pulsing didn’t stop.

Finally, we have a task to complete, Grid said that over the officer-transmission line.

We have the shield testing. Choice was refreshingly enthusiastic about that assignment.

That’s a safe manufactured task. Safe never appealed to Grid. This involves real danger.

That danger could lead to death. And Strike, as the Dauntless’s second-in-command, shouldn’t cheer for anything leading to a possible loss of lifespan.

But he secretly rejoiced in having a sense of purpose also.

“Open a communication line with Power.” Captain’s voice was scrubbed of all emotion.

Strike processed him well enough to project one of those emotions was distaste. Their leader and Power weren’t often in accord.

“Opening a communication line with Power, Captain.” Argot repeated that command.

An image of Power’s countenance was displayed on the main viewscreen.

“I contact you. You don’t contact me.” The male was an arrogant ass, and he didn’t try to hide it.

Strike’s lips flattened. His loyalty was given to Captain and to his fellow cyborgs, not to the Cyborg Council and its leader.

“A sound has been detected.” Captain played the audio. “It originates outside the cyborg sector. Requesting authorization to send a team to investigate it.”

“If it originates outside the sector, it isn’t our responsibility.” Power dismissed the threat.

“There’re no matches to it in our databases.” Captain wasn’t deterred. “But it does have a 97.8742 percent similarity to the sound a world-ender emits.” He shared that audio clip. “If it’s a new type of weapon and it’s situated this close to our borders…”

The implication was clear. They were all in danger.

Power pursed his lips.

Silence stretched.

“You’ll send one warrior. One.” Power stressed that number. “To investigate the sound.”

Captain opened his mouth.

“This will be a covert operation.” Power added parameters to the mission. “The warrior is not to attract attention. He’s to uncover as much as he can about the weapon and the beings operating it and then give me a full report. He is not to interact directly with those beings or give them any indication we’re aware of the weapon’s existence. Do you process?”

“I process.” Captain nodded.

Strike processed the reason for those orders also. The enemy would falsely project their secret weapon hadn’t been detected, and that would make it easier to destroy it and them.

Intel was often the difference between winning and losing in war.

“Ending communications.” Power tapped his fingers against the screen.

His countenance disappeared from view.

“I volunteer to investigate the sound, Captain.” Grid’s eyes glowed with excitement.

“You’re testing our shields.” Captain reminded him of that earlier commitment. “That’s too important a task to delegate to another warrior.”