Page 43 of Strike Zone

He blasted her protest apart with those words.

“You’re precious to me also.” A solar cycle ago, she would’ve said no one could grow to care for another being in the short length of time they’d known each other. Yet that had happened. There was an undeniably strong connection between them. “I don’t want to risk your lifespan either.”

She covered his hands with hers.

Silence stretched. A moment of togetherness, of belonging, bound them together. Their breathing synchronized until they felt almost like one being.

Kesser leaned against her male.

The two of them would be facing possible peril, but they would be doing that as a team. Neither of them would be alone. She’d have his back. And he would have hers.

That was tremendously reassuring.

“So I guess we know what we have to do.” Her voice was husky. “We have to increase your strength and speed as much as possible.” She wiggled her ass, intentionally teasing her cyborg. “And we have to increase my healing abilities.”

“We’ll breed?” Strike’s body armor-contained cock bobbed.

She turned. “We’ll breed.” Kesser gazed up at him.

Her need for him must have showed. His eyes sparked with blue energy.

“We’ll breed.” Her cyborg scooped her into his arms.

She laughed. Training with her cyborg would be a joy.


They trained hard over the following planet rotations.

His female had adequate shooting skills…for a human. Strike’s chest expanded with pride. She learned quickly, and they soon had a functional plan for the rescue.

They bred three or four times a planet rotation. That tightened their bond. They chattered about their pasts and about their present. He held her while she slept. They consumed nourishment bars, and his little human drank the beverage his brethren had wisely stocked for him. He cleaned his female’s flight suit and her curvy form. She did the same for him, which often led to more breeding.

Eleven ships had been spotted en route. Strike had altered their modified freighter’s trajectory. And they had evaded detection by those vessels.

He’d transmitted with Captain, relaying that he was traveling to Powlus Zetus, the next planet, to uncover if those humanoids had detected the pulsing sound. There was discussion of the minor issues on board the Dauntless.

Strike didn’t share with Captain or any of his brethren that he had found his female. It was out of spec for a cyborg to withhold information, and he would tell them eventually. But for now, he savored having her existence to himself.

It wasn’t fully to himself. His female communicated with her mom every planet rotation.

She currently sat in the chair beside his. He had modified her background to look like she was situated in a different area of the private chambers her mom projected she temporarily inhabited.

Her friend’s voice had been added to the audio. It would sound as though the female was singing in another chamber.

Strike had deleted all other indications of his female’s location.

“Talley’s feeling a bit better. As you can hear.” His female rolled her eyes. An unidentified illness had been given for her extended absence. “And I thankfully didn’t catch whatever she had. But I thought it was best to tell the academy I wouldn’t be working there for another ten planet rotations.”

“You don’t have to stay away from home that long.” His female’s mom resembled her. She had similar red flecks in her brown eyes. “I want to see your face whether you’re ill or not.” She sighed. “I miss you, Kesser.”

“I miss you too.” That truth rang in his female’s voice. “But I don’t want to risk getting you sick. The planet depends on you, Mom.”

“You’re my priority.” Her mom loved her. That was palpable. “You always have been.”

“Awww… I know that.” His female sniffled. The declaration of caring had damaged her emotional system. “I’ll come home as soon as I can.”

“Do that.” The older human female nodded. “And send Talley home also. Her dad…” She made an exasperated sound. “He asks me about his daughter again and again. Do you know what he asked me at the Defense Funding Meeting?”