Page 23 of Strike Zone

She hesitated.

“They’re becoming more difficult to track,” the guard reminded her.

Fates. “Okay.” She stepped forward. “You can try to carry me, but?—”

She yelped with surprise as he gripped her by the waist.

The male lifted her easily, draped her over his right shoulder, and then ran faster than she believed was possible. Their surroundings blurred into a stream of lights amidst the darkness. Carrying her didn’t appear to strain him at all.

His tread was soundless. His gait was level. One of his arms was strapped over her legs, under her ass. She doubted she was in any risk of falling. But she clutched his back to steady herself.

The male must’ve been wearing body armor. His form was unrelenting under the cloak.

“This is faster.” She admitted that truth.

He grunted.

It occurred to her that she had placed her body and her friend’s lifespan in the huge hands of the male.

And he was a complete stranger.

That should concern her.

But all she felt was reassurance and the most inappropriate desire.


Strike had found his female, the one being he was destined to claim. He was touching her. And she had honored him with her trust.

She had requested his assistance in rescuing the beings in the land transport. The fastest and easiest way to accomplish that feat would’ve been to run after that engine-challenged vessel and confront the occupants once it eventually stopped.

But his female’s proposal involved his modified freighter. Since he relished the prospect of having her in his ship, he didn’t argue with her.

Her plan had the additional perk of giving him a reason to carry her. That was a task he very much enjoyed. She was soft and, although she was almost alarmingly short, her figure was full and well-rounded. He breathed deeply. She smelled cock-hardingly delectable.

Moving at cyborg speed, he arrived with her at the landing site regrettably quickly.

The guard at the entrance had his head tilted back. His eyes were closed. A loud snoring escaped his open mouth.

The male wasn’t safeguarding anything. Strike quashed his disgust.

More beings, 94.2563 percent of them human, milled around the landed ships. They chattered about drinking too much fermented beverage, breeding encounters with unidentified partners, and the events they planned to attend over the next planet rotation. 86.1488 percent of them wore cloaks. One barely mature-looking human puked liquids into a parts container.

When Strike, carrying his female, ran past them, they didn’t turn their heads.

The modified freighter appeared to be undisturbed. He slowed his speed and linked to its systems remotely. There had been no attempts by others to access the ship.

He circled it, examining it for damage or other tampering. His female would soon be an occupant. He wouldn’t take any risks with her lifespan.

“This isn’t what I expected when you said you had a ship.” She lifted her head and gazed around them. “I thought you’d have a warship or something else more suitable for fighting.”

“A warship draws attention, my female.” He reached up and tapped his leather-clad fingertips against one of the guns. “This freighter has been modified. It has an enhanced-yet-hidden weapons system and reinforced shields.”

“That’s clever.” The admiration in her voice caused his chest to expand with pride.

He completed his inspection. Everything appeared to be functional.

“We’ve reached your ship.” His female wiggled her wondrously generous ass. “It’s right here. I can walk the rest of the way.”