Page 21 of Strike Zone

Syndiculous 5’s three moons peeked out from behind the clouds. The warm breeze brushed against Kesser’s cloak. No one approached her.

She watched the gates.

Finally, large numbers of beings flowed through them. She straightened. Talley, if she was wise, should be exiting with that crowd.

Kesser looked for the unique green-with-black-trim cloak.

She saw Tsadok first. Numerous beings had trimmed their black cloaks with green trim. But the Powluk’s height made him easy to spot.

And, yes. Kesser inwardly groaned. There was Talley beside him. Her friend hadn’t exited alone as she’d been instructed. That rebellion should have been predicted. Talley only followed instructions when it suited her.

The couple moved toward a land transport.

That hadn’t been the plan. Kesser ran after them.

The doors of the land transport opened. Talley stepped into it.

“Wait,” Kesser shouted at her.

Her friend paused and turned her head in Kesser’s direction.

A being in a black cloak pressed against Talley. The folds of that garment parted.

Light reflected off silver metal.

A chill skittered down Kesser’s spine. The being was holding a gun.

The fingers wrapped around the weapon were green. The knuckles were decorated with vaguely familiar black wavy lines.

Talley entered the land transport.

Tsadok followed her. He was accompanied by two additional beings in black cloaks.

The male and her friend were being abducted. Kesser propelled herself forward as fast as she could, but the crowd was thick, and it took too much time to weave between the amassed beings.

The doors of the land transport closed. It sped away.

She attempted to chase the vessel and quickly realized that was futile.

By the Fates. She skidded to a stop.

Talley and Tsadok had been taken. They were in danger.

She had to figure out a way to save them. Preferably without causing an intergalactic incident.

If anyone else found out about the abduction, it would not only place her friend in danger, but it could also jeopardize the fragile peace between Syndiculous 5 and Powlus Zetus.

Talley’s dad would insist on waging war against the other planet.

And that would mess up…everything. Beings died in war.

Her friend could die.

Kesser suppressed a shiver of fear and forced herself to review what she knew.

Her friend and the Powluks’ Second Zetus had been abducted.

The abductors had green skin. They must also be Powluks.