Page 93 of Strike Zone

Strike’s female mirrored that reaction, also squealing and clapping.

Strike gazed at them with bemusement. He had processed his female’s mom’s approval of him had been important to his female’s happiness.

It now appeared that any mom’s approval was joy-inducing.

He would share that observation in the future with his brethren.

“It turns out—” The friend looked around her and then leaned closer to the recording device. “—Tsadok, after he met me, took his mom aside and told her he’d found his mate. And she was overjoyed because he hadn’t expressed any mate-like interest about any other being. She thought he’d live his lifespan alone, and she wouldn’t have children of her child to spoil. His mom was honest, and she told me she wished he had found a Powluk mate, as that would have been easier with their kind. What with the wars and all the killing and such.”

She twirled her right index finger in the air.

“But the Fates had decreed I’d be his mate, and she would never question them.” The friend continued. “And if I wasn’t his mate, he might’ve still been abducted and maybe they would’ve hurt him.” She grimaced. “We’ll never know.”

The friend chattered and chattered and chattered. Energy exuded from her.

Strike’s female listened and listened and listened. She asked questions and expressed her joy for her friend.

That prompted more excited chatter from the friend.

Strike held his little human and observed their interactions. A small smile curved his lips. They communicated almost as quickly and as much as cyborgs.

“And she wants me to attend a huge nourishment-sharing event with them in eleven planet rotations.” The friend waved her hands excitedly. “She’s going to introduce me to the females of some of the major families in their society.” She tilted her head. “I don’t know what I’m going to wear. I only have the one garment, and it’s pretty, but it isn’t right for meeting high-profile beings in, is it?” The friend wrinkled her nose. “No. It’s all wrong for that. But it’s all I have. What am I going to do, Kess?”

“Ask Tsadok’s mom to help you find garments.” Strike’s female offered that valid advice. “She doesn’t have any daughters. She might like having the opportunity to dress another female.”

“She does have great style, quiet but classy, you know?” The friend nodded. “And she’ll know what the other females are likely to wear. I want to fit in.”

“You’ve never wanted to fit in.” Strike’s female laughed.

The friend grinned. “I never had to fit in at home. At my former home.” She corrected herself. “Everyone had known me forever. These females don’t yet realize how wonderful I am.”

“You are wonderful.” Strike’s female was a passionate supporter of her friend. “They’ll find that out soon.”

“I hope so.” The friend plucked at her garment. “This fabric is a bit rough on my skin, but I like the way it hangs on me.”

“It suits you.” Strike’s female glanced down at her own flight suit and shrugged. “So you won’t be coming back to Syndiculous 5 with us?”

“No, I won’t be returning to that planet with you and your hunk.” The friend frowned. “Unless you think I should? Does your mom need my presence as proof to show others that I’m alive and well?”

“Recordings would do that.” Strike’s female smiled. “Stay with Tsadok, Talley. He needs you and you need him.”

“I do need him.” The friend sighed. “Especially after everything with my dad. He had me abducted, Kess.”

“I know.” Strike’s female blew out her breath also. “But that brought you closer to Tsadok. Focus on that part of it.”

“I will.” The friend straightened her shoulders. “I’ll miss you.”

“You won’t miss me.” Strike’s female scoffed. “I’ll communicate with you a thousand times a planet rotation. We’ll talk so much you’ll be tired of me.”

“I could never be tired of you.” The friend glanced behind her. “Look, I gotta go. Tsadok will be searching for me. But I’ll communicate with you soon.”

“Do that.” Strike’s female nodded.

The communication ended.

Silence fell on the bridge.

Strike rubbed his female’s arms. He waited for her to speak.