Page 91 of Strike Zone

Captain turned his head and looked at the medic. “What do you process of the planet?”

“I communicate with a medic there.” The male’s shrug was too stiff to be a casual motion. “His tools are…primitive, but he has detected an increase of abnormal growths amongst the humanoid locals. We discussed repairs, some, but not all of which he has applied. The medic’s logic is compromised on numerous subjects, and his communication style is…forceful.”

He cursed you out, didn’t he? Grid laughed through the transmission lines.

He told me he had dealt with scanners with more empathy. Cure’s tone was indignant. I process that as being a compliment. Empathy isn’t required for a medic.

He’d dealt with scanners with more empathy. Grid’s mirth compounded. That’s an insult, not a compliment, medic.

Cure huffed.

Strike hid his surprise.

That was a shockingly emotional response from the machine-side-driven male.

“Could those growths be caused by a weapon?” Captain was focused on the mission.

Cure frowned. “There were reports in the Humanoid Alliance database of growths during the fabrication of the world-enders, but they differed in size and coloring from the growths the medic is seeking to repair on Cancri B.”

“They’re fabricating a different weapon. The growths might be different also.” Captain rubbed his chin. “We’ll send beings there to investigate.”

“My female and I can’t investigate it.” Strike spoke for both of them.

His female splayed her fingers over his forearms.

“I agree. You can’t investigate it.” Captain waved one of his hands dismissively. “You have to maintain the peace between the human and humanoid planets. Having a war fought directly outside our borders while we’re neutralizing a Humanoid Alliance super weapon wouldn’t be…optimal.”

Strike stared at the male. His modification in focus hadn’t jeopardized his original mission. His processors spun. It had increased its probability of success.

“Your captain is very wise.” His female murmured that truth.

“Some would question that statement.” Captain glanced at his Valkyrie.

That female grinned back at him.

Captain shook his head and shifted his gaze to the beings on bridge. “Now that the Humanoid Alliance is involved, I’m 87.2563 percent certain we can convince Power to authorize a two-warrior team to investigate the sound.”

“I volunteer, Captain.” Grid raised one of his hands.

“Cure, you have a contact on Cancri B.” Captain ignored the navigator. He, instead, looked at the medic. “You’ll be one warrior on that two-warrior team.”

“You’ve always stated the crew’s full functionality is a priority, Captain.” Cure pointed his handheld at his leader.

“Are you questioning my functionality, medic?” Captain glared at the male.

“No, Captain.” Cure lowered the device.

“Good, because, according to the latest engineering reports—” Captain tilted his head toward Choice. “—the system that enables the captain of the Dauntless to jettison warriors and medics into space also remains functional.”

Cure swallowed. Hard.

Grid laughed through the transmission lines.

“You have a highly skilled team, Cure.” Captain’s anger eased. “Your role will be temporarily assigned to one of those medics.” He leveled a hard glance at the male. “You’re part of this mission. That decision is final.”

Fraggin’ hole. Cure groaned through the transmission line.

Better you than me. Drift chuckled. I?—