Page 82 of Strike Zone

The father then looked at the friend. “Despite your father being a complete disgrace as a warrior, you sound like you might have some slivers of honor.”

“She’s my mate.” Tsadok put his arm around the female. “Her honor matches mine. The Fates decided that.”

“The Fates are a powerful force.” The father’s head dipped. “Your mother insisted on accompanying me. She’s on the warship.” He moved in that direction. “Bring your Syndicul. Your mother wants to meet her.”

The friend walked with Tsadok behind the father. She glanced back at Strike’s female.

Strike’s female raised her arms in a silent victory pose.

The friend grinned.

The three beings entered docking connector.

The guards followed them closely.

Strike and his female were now alone. He pulled her to him. Her soft, flight suit-covered curves pressed against his body armor, and the tension inside him immediately eased.

They stood as one for a moment, not speaking, not moving. Her warmth engulfed him. He breathed deeply. Her tantalizing scent teased his nostrils.

“Are you certain about this, my male?” His female gazed up at him. Her eyes glowed. “You’re truly okay with staying on my home planet? And giving our mission to someone else?”

“I’m 100.0000 percent certain about this.” The decision was the right one…for him, for them, and for the universe. Another warrior could give the mission the focus it required.

His focus was on his female. Always.

“Syndiculous 5 isn’t an…exciting place.” She said that as though it was a bad thing.

If beings defined exciting as death-filled and violent, Strike had experienced sufficient excitement to last an endless lifespan.

“I was told there was bovine riding on Syndiculous 5.” He teased her. “That could be a source of excitement.”

His female’s cheeks flushed with pink pigment. “You heard about that, huh?”

“I heard about it.” He hoped to hear many more stories about his female in the future.

“If you want to try bovine riding, I can arrange for that to happen.” She grinned. “Though the agri-lot tender wasn’t too happy about having his bovine borrowed the last time.”

“How did he reprimand you?” Strike rubbed her fabric-covered back.

“Talley and I had to move bovine shit every sunrise for twenty planet rotations.” His female wrinkled her nose. “No one would come near us at the academy. We smelled so bad.”

He chuckled. “I’ll come near you. If that reprimand is repeated.”

“If that reprimand is repeated, you’ll be sharing it.” She shook her head. “We’ll both smell horrendous.”

Strike had been covered in worse substances in the past. “I’ll source more cleaning cloths.”

“Do that.” She laughed.

He held her close to him, savoring her joy. It fed his own.

Her mirth faded.

His female gazed up at him. “Thank you, my male.”

She grasped his shoulders and rocked forward onto the toes of her boots.

Strike lowered his head.