Page 75 of Strike Zone

She gazed at him.

Neither of them moved.

Moments passed.

“I’ll always protect your rear.” Her cyborg finally wrapped his arms around her. His fingers spanned the small of her back.

Some of the tension inside Kesser eased. “I’ll always protect your rear also.”

She reveled in his embrace. The heat from his form coiled around her body. His strength surrounded her.

“You’ll accompany me on the mission?” His eyes glowed.

“I’ll accompany you on the mission.” She verified that fact. “Where you go, I go.”

“You’ll miss your mom.” He returned to that concern.

It touched Kesser that he recognized how important her mom was to her. “We’ll communicate with her every planet rotation. It’ll be like she’s undertaking the mission with us.” She thought about that a little more. “Though we might not want to mention how dangerous it is.”

She didn’t want her mom to worry.

Her cyborg grinned. “You’re the best of females.” He pressed his lips against her forehead.

“I am the best of females.” She laughed. “Remember that the next time you get the urge to fly off and leave me behind.”

“I’ll never have that urge.” Strike tightened his hold on her. “The prospect of parting with you threatened to permanently damage my systems.”

She wiggled against the bulge in his body armor. “Your systems appear to be functioning now.”

“I want to breed with you, my female.” Strike lifted her high against his chest. Her booted feet dangled in the air.

“I want to breed with you also, my male. But.” She sighed. “Our chatter has reminded me we haven’t yet communicated with my mom this planet rotation.” The planet rotations seemed to be meshing into one. “And we should really do that. She’ll be worried. Plus, we have to tell her about…everything.”

Her cyborg grunted his agreement.

“I would like you to be on the communication.” Her cheeks heated. “If that’s possible.”

Her mom should virtually meet the male she’d be traveling around the sector with.

“That’s possible.” Strike claimed the captain’s chair and set her on his lap.

“Ummm…” She squirmed.

Introducing her male to her mom while sitting on top of him wasn’t the best strategy. Her only living parent was tolerant. But that wouldn’t make a great impression on her.

“The footage will display us from the shoulders up.” Her cyborg addressed her unspoken concerns. “Is a background image required?”

“That isn’t needed.” Her stomach fluttered with nerves. “We’re telling her where we are.” Her mom would be disappointed in her. “I’ve told my mom so many lies, my male.”

“Look at me, my female.” Strike shifted her until she sat across his thighs. “If you hadn’t fabricated the truth, your mom would have relayed the intel about the rescue mission to your friend’s dad.”

“She would have done that.” Kesser stared at him. Her mom would’ve felt compelled to inform Talley’s dad that his daughter had been abducted. “And he would’ve used that information to break the peace agreement between us and the Powluks. Which is exactly what he wanted to happen.”

She paused as the implications sank in.

“He knew I, the daughter of our planet’s leader, would be with Talley. I would know about the abduction and would immediately tell my mom.” Everyone on the planet realized how close she was to her mom. “He not only used his daughter, but he used me.”

That angered her.