Page 74 of Strike Zone

“What do you want to do?” She’d repeat that question as many times as necessary to get an answer from him.

“My assignment is to track the pulsing sound to its origins and gather intel on it.” He continued to evade the question. “But if it’s a weapon, as I project it is, my next mission will be to destroy it. I could lose my lifespan during that feat. You could lose your lifespan.”

He looked away from her. His jaw clenched and unclenched.

She could also lose her lifespan while she waited for him on Syndiculous 5. That was a possibility. She could take a routine flight between two settlements. Her ship could crash. And she could die.

That had happened to her dad.

She would take her chances with Strike on his mission. “What do you want to do?”

He said nothing.

She walked up to him, reached out, and captured his handsome face between her hands.

He flinched.

She forced him to meet her gaze. “What do you want to do, my stubborn male?”

“The weapon has to be destroyed.” His voice was the faintest whisper. “It could end the lifespans of you, your mom, and every being on your planet.”

Every consideration he presented had been centered around her—her safety, her preferences, her happiness.

Any lingering doubts she had about his feelings for her evaporated.

Her cyborg cared for her, likely more than he’d ever admit.

And she cared for him. “What do you want to do?” She could wait for his answer forever. Her chin tilted upward. She was as determined as he was.

They were well matched in that and many other ways.

Her male exhaled heavily.

She knew then she’d be successful with her own private investigation.

“I don’t want to leave you, my female. Ever.” The torment in her male’s eyes pierced her heart.

But his words soothed that pain.

Strike didn’t want to leave her. Kesser rejoiced in that knowledge. The male she loved wanted to stay with her forever.

“Then don’t leave me.” She drifted her fingertips down his cheeks.

“The pulsing sound has to be investigated.” He chased her touch with his face as though he sought to maintain that contact with her. “And if it is a weapon, that weapon will have to be destroyed.”

She cupped his countenance once more with her palms. “Then we investigate the pulsing sound. And we’ll destroy the weapon.”

“It’s dangerous.” Her cyborg didn’t touch her. His arms hung by his sides.

“I know it’s dangerous.” She accepted that risk. “We’ll train. And…I’ll kill beings, if that’s necessary.” She would do anything to protect the beings she loved.

And she did love Strike. With everything she had.

He frowned. “I wouldn’t ask that of you.”

“You wouldn’t have to ask.” She smiled at him. “We’re a team, my male. You protect my rear and I protect yours.”

He gazed at her.