Page 65 of Strike Zone

Fates. He was determined to torment her.

She would torment him right back. “I’m wet for you.” She changed tactics. “And I’m hot. I’m also snug. So very snug. I’d hug your cock. You’d feel me all around you.”

“Fraggin’ hole.” An energy storm blazed in her cyborg’s eyes.

Every strike of luminescence signaled a crack in his willpower.

Kesser would shatter his control completely. And she would bathe in the light of his desire. “Claim me, my Strike. Show my body who it belongs to. Make me scream your name.”

“You’re mine, my female.” He drew his hips back. “Mine.”

His voice was a low growl. His words were thrillingly possessive.

The logical-machine part of her cyborg had retreated. All that remained was his primitive, passionate soul.

“Show me.” She taunted that uncivilized side.

Strike snarled and thrust deep.

One moment, she was achingly empty. The next moment, she was full to the point of pain.

“Yours.” She cried out. Her body, her heart, her everything was his.

Strike pulled back and drove into her, pulled back and drove into her. His pace was punishing and she reveled in it.

She lifted into each advance. Their bodies smacked together. Her pussy lips throbbed. She hummed with a craving only Strike could sate.

They had faced danger less than a shift ago, and they had survived it. That knowledge accentuated their passion. They meshed into one and then fell apart.

Sweat streamed between Kesser’s breasts. Her arms and legs trembled.

The connection, always present between the two of them, strengthened. It flowed over her, binding her to her cyborg. The thought of that link breaking, of losing him, made her as wild as he was.

She sank her fingernails into his shoulders, holding onto him with everything she had, and she propelled her hips upward, meeting his thrusts. Heat radiated outward from her core.

Her shaking expanded, engulfing her entire form. Her pussy walls narrowed around her cyborg’s shaft. Their mutual teasing had primed her for release.

“Close.” Fates. She was already so close.

Judging by the tightness of his form, he was battling the turbulence of release also. She would push them both into that raging tempest.

As he crashed down on her, she flung herself upward and nipped at his chin.

“Mine.” He roared his possession of her. And he pinned her to the console with his chest, his hips, his huge cock. She was flattened between her hard male and an unrelenting surface.

That was the more she needed.

“Mine.” She screamed as her world exploded with light and sound and pure emotion.

Pleasure ravaged her. Her thoughts were obliterated.

She scored his chest with her fingernails, and she clenched down on his cock.

“Yours.” His eyes blazed with energy and then went dark. Cum shot from his tip and blasted her innermost flesh. That bombardment of nanocybotics, the effervescence, the bubbling, the barrage of tiny touches spiraled her bliss higher.

She came again. Harder. Her pussy contracted around him a second time.

Her cyborg howled louder. He pushed deeper. More of his essence ambushed her.