Page 51 of Strike Zone

Moments passed.

A sprig of greenery swayed in the breeze. She imagined the space completely covered in vegetation. It must have been beautiful.

The war had decimated that nature. To lose all that?—

The door to the tunnel opened.

“I’ve cleared a section of the tunnel.” Strike’s beloved face appeared. He sported more gashes on his countenance.

Her male was a bloody mess. But he was alive.

Gratitude filled her.

“Come.” He held out his hands.

She ran to him. “Did you see any signs Talley and Tsadok might be down there?”

“My scans picked up a human female life-form to the east of us.” Her cyborg swung her over his shoulder. His pack was missing. He must have left it below ground.

“That has to be Talley.” Hope warmed Kesser’s heart.

Her best friend lived also.

“There’s a high probability it’s your friend.” Strike released his grip on the vertical railing.

They dropped into a dark abyss.

Kesser pressed her lips together to silence her squeak of surprise, and she wrapped her arms around her male more securely.

He soundlessly landed with her into a surprisingly spacious, well-lit space. It was the width of a regular hallway.

Her cyborg ran, carrying her, she suspected, toward the east and the human-life-form reading he’d detected.

That was proof Talley was alive.

Powluks were frozen in place along their route. Strike weaved with her between the warriors, not reducing his speed.

One of the males shifted a hand. Or it could have been a trick of the light.

She didn’t take any chances and stunned him again.

Her cyborg grunted.

That sounded like approval.

She didn’t deserve that commendation. Her lips twisted. She hadn’t stunned the Powluk boy.

The kid might be telling the entire group about them as they progressed. Her mercy could lead to a possible ambush.

She tightened her grip on her guns.

Strike carried her deeper and deeper into the tunnels. Her cyborg ran and ran and ran.

They navigated a curve in the underground path.

He slowed. “There are two humanoid males and one human female situated ahead of us.”

“One of those humanoid males is likely Tsadok.” She tilted her head to the side. “That leaves one abductor, and there are two of us. I like those odds.”