Page 47 of Strike Zone

But she projected that would cause damage to the peace agreement.

Instead of killing the enemy, he was to stun them…aggressively. His lips flattened. They would hurt for having abducted his female’s friend and that friend’s male.

As they moved closer to the planet, Strike ran a life-form scan. “There’s one human detected in the Tsicariuk Plains region—a female.” He noted the coordinates of that being.

“That must be Talley.” His female smiled. “It has to be her.”

Not having sufficient inputs to verify the being’s identity, Strike remained silent.

He guided their modified freighter downward.

“I wish we could fly over the settlement and take a look at it.” His female damaged her bottom lip with her teeth. “But yes, I know that would warn the abductors we’re coming.” She addressed her own proposal. “They might harm Talley and Tsadok before we could reach them. So we can’t do that.”

Strike dipped his head in agreement. They couldn’t do that. “We have to rely on the life-form scan coordinates and the intel in the databases.”

He’d drawn information from both the Syndicul and the Powluk systems, cross-referencing it to compile a more-complete image of the settlement.

“That intel should be fairly accurate.” His female placed her hands on his cloak and body armor-covered forearms. “The battle against the Powluks near the Tsicariuk Plains was one of the last ones waged. They refused to surrender.” Lines appeared on her forehead. “I’m surprised they had enough resources to organize the abduction. Their settlement was nearly flattened. And they lost a lot of warriors.”

“They must have, at the minimum, one ship.” That had been a required part of the abduction. “They reached your planet.”

“They needed more than a ship to land on Syndiculous 5.” His female’s eyes widened. “They’d need authorization. From a Syndicul.”

“I didn’t require authorization from a Syndicul.” He had accessed the security system and had given himself those permissions.

“They’re not cyborgs.” His female shook her head. “Powluks aren’t known for embracing technology. They have primitive systems. That are barely usable. And they’ve expressed no interest in upgrading them.”

“Beings can modify themselves if they receive sufficient motivation.” Strike kissed the top of his female’s head. She was his motivation. He’d alter his entire life plan for her.

That included, if she stated that preference, relocating permanently to Syndiculous 5 once all missions had been completed.

That wouldn’t be a hardship. The planet had everything a being required, including tasks, like updating their security system, to challenge him.

And it would please his female.

He very much wanted to please her.

“Losing almost everyone they loved would be sufficient motivation.” She conceded that the Powluks could’ve gained the technological skills required to access her home planet’s security system.

Strike said nothing. He lowered the modified freighter to the planet’s surface.

The remnants of battle were apparent as far away from the settlement as their chosen landing site. The grooves in the soil were deep. There were no trees left to the east of them.

He cut the engines.

His female rose to her booted feet. “If anything should happen to me?—”

“Nothing will happen to you.” He would ensure she remained fully functional.

“If anything should happen to me.” She repeated. Her expression was solemn. “Tell my mom I’m sorry and I love her.”

“She processes you love her.” He yearned to hear his female say the human love words to him. Strike stood. That would bring him much happiness.

But she wasn’t yet ready to take that step.

“Tell her.” She clasped his hands. Her fingers trembled. “And know, my Strike, that these past planet rotations have been the happiest of my lifespan. If I die, I’ll have no regrets because taking on this mission has led me to meeting you.”

Fraggin’ hole. “You won’t die. I—” His words failed him.