Page 46 of Strike Zone

Strike’s female recited the 9 digit code Strike displayed on the main viewscreen for her.

The Powluk grunted. “Running a life-form scan.”

“Noted.” Strike’s female curtly nodded.

“One life-form detected.” The male gazed at her. “Suppose you count as one of those.”

Strike’s female glared at him and said nothing.

The being she was imitating often had that same response to insults directed her way.

“You can land.” The Powluk waved one of his hands.


The male closed communications before Strike’s female could fully reply.

She blew out her breath. “He’s no charmer, that’s for certain.”

“He projects the peace agreement won’t hold for a long duration.” That was…worrisome. Strike didn’t want to bring his fragile human into a battle zone.

He flew the modified freighter toward the planet. And he ended the projection and voice-modification programs.

His female’s beautiful face became visible once more.

“Some of the Powluks enjoy battle a little too much.” Her voice had returned to being her own.

And his body responded to it. His cock hardened. His circuits hummed with desire.

“They should be happy the war has ended.” His female frowned. “Their side experienced heavy losses. It was devastating to hear about. There was so much death. Everywhere.” The hurting sound she made caused Strike’s fingers to fold into fists. He wanted to defend her against that emotional damage. “But warriors wage war, I guess.” She shook her head. “That’s what they do.”

Second-in-commands were promoted to captains and gained control of their own ships. Strike stood. That’s what they did.

It was the path his captain and his brethren expected him to travel.

He had never been 100.0000 percent certain that progression was what he wanted. And now, after meeting his female, that path didn’t appeal to him at all.

Because it wouldn’t appeal to her.

That left him…wandering. He hadn’t found a path to replace the one he had been following. Not yet. He had no projection of their future beyond their current mission.

Only that he wanted to be with his female. Always.

“Some of my brethren enjoy battle a little too much.” Strike lifted her, claimed the captain’s chair, and placed her on his lap. That physical contact with his female refocused him on their current situation. “They would have that in common with the Powluks.”

“They would have that in common?” She turned her head and gazed at him. “You don’t enjoy battle? You’re a warrior also.”

“I prefer peace.” He had seen sufficient death and suffering in his long lifespan.

Protecting his female was his priority. Peace would safeguard her more thoroughly than war ever could.

“I prefer peace also.” She leaned back into him.

He savored that fortification of their connection.

She wrinkled her nose. “We can’t allow a small group of Powluks to use Talley and Tsadok’s abduction as a reason to restart the war.”

If his female had authorized that action, he’d been willing to kill every Powluk on the planet’s surface to keep her safe. They would have all died by his hands.