Page 42 of Strike Zone

“That was one of the improvements.” Strike edged closer to her.

The target shifted. It swung to the left and then to the right.

Kesser aimed and fired again. It was another perfect hit. “I practiced on moving targets also.”

“There weren’t any targets during our training.” Strike wrapped his arms around her waist. His body armor-covered chest pressed against her flight suit-clad back. That physical connection relaxed her. “We practiced on living beings.”

His comments about his training made her heart ache. But she listened closely, to both his words and the emotions in his voice, because it was a part of her male.

“I’ve never had to end a lifespan.” The target spun. She aimed and fired. The ray of energy hit the center of her faceless virtual foe. “I don’t know if I have that ability.”

Her mom told her of the deaths during the war with the Powluks…because she had to tell someone who would share her grief.

And Kesser cried over every lifespan lost.

“I’ll ensure you never have to uncover that truth about yourself.” Strike said that with the strength of a vow. “Your guns will always be set on stun.”

“I’d appreciate that.” She didn’t ask if his guns would always be on that setting also.

Because she knew the answer to that question. In the future, if killing was necessary, her cyborg would complete the task.

So she wouldn’t have to experience that trauma. He would protect her in that way.

During the mission, thankfully, he wouldn’t have to make that emotional sacrifice.

Neither of them would be killing anyone.

She fired at the target again and again. The difficulty level of the targets gradually increased. After fifteen rounds, Kesser couldn’t hit the center of them. After twenty-one rounds, she couldn’t hit any part of the target.

“I should’ve practiced more.” Her shoulders slumped. She hadn’t known she’d be flying to another planet to embark on a dangerous rescue mission.

“Very few humans can hit a target moving that quickly.” Her cyborg kissed the back of her head. “You did well, my female.”

She could do better. “I’ll train.” Her confidence rebounded. She had time. And a plan. “By the time we reach the planet, I’ll be better.”

“We’ll train together.” His warm breath wafted on her neck, and she trembled with delight. “We’re taking on this mission as a team.” His voice lowered to a stimulating rumble. “We have to move like a team.”

That sounded extremely erotic. “Will we be wearing garments while we’re moving like a team?”

“During the mission, we’ll be wearing garments.” He mouthed over her skin, and her toes curled in her boots. “On this vessel, garments aren’t required.”

“I don’t think breeding qualifies as training.” She grinned.

“It’s preparation.” The bulge in his body armor became more pronounced. “The more we breed, the more of my nanocybotics you’ll sport, and the quicker you’ll repair should you be damaged.” He nuzzled against her. “And according to data gathered from already matched cyborgs, breeding increases a warrior’s strength and speed.”

“You’ll be faster if I fuck you?” Kesser looked back at him.

That sounded…unlikely. But him accompanying her on the mission had been equally unlikely. And there he was, standing right behind her. Looking handsome and strong and sexy.

“I’ll be significantly faster.” Her cyborg’s eyes glowed with passion, and that excited her. “That’ll increase the probability of our success.”

It would increase the probability. It wouldn’t guarantee their success. Concern battled with desire within her. “There’s a chance we could fail.”

“There’s always a probability of failure.” He skimmed his lips over her right cheek, leaving a trail of sexy bubbling on her skin. “But that probability is low. And with training, all types of training.” He splayed his fingers over her flight suit-clad stomach. “We can decrease that probability even more.” He kissed along her jaw. “We wouldn’t be taking on this rescue mission if I projected we’d fail.”

She frowned. If he thought he could stop her…

“I couldn’t risk your lifespan.” Sincerity edged his voice. “You’re too precious to me.”