Page 37 of Strike Zone

Strike’s guilt over damaging her eased. “Do you like that my control is compromised?”

“Yes.” Her lips curled upward. The lines around that decadent flesh had eased. “I like it very much. It shows that you want me.”

“There’s nothing and no one I want more.” He would have to be dead to not desire his female. She was the most alluring being he’d ever encountered.

“Ummm…” His female wiggled.

He swallowed his groan. She was also the most provocative.

Her little movements combined with her erotic noises were nudging him closer and closer to the edge of release.

“I think I’m okay now.” She gripped his shoulders and attempted to draw herself upward.

Strike assisted her, raising her until only his cockhead remained inside her.

That sensual retreat clawed at his soul. He wanted to chase her with his length.

“I obey your orders, my female.” That was said for both his benefit and hers.

“You obey my orders, huh?” She puckered her lips. “My orders are…”

He waited, holding her in place.

Whatever sweet torture she chose to inflict on him, he would accept.

He was resigned to his fate. And to the cost of claiming her. Forever.

“You’ll fuck me hard and fast, my Strike.” She surprised him with that command. “I don’t need for you to hold anything back. I’m not breakable. You won’t damage me. I want you to impale me on your big cock again and again. I want you to ravish my breasts with your lips. I want you to spank my ass against those unrelenting thighs of yours. When you come, I want you to scream my name. Tell the universe whose pussy you’ve claimed. And’ll transfer your bubbling nanocybotics to me to repair all the good hurt you’ve caused.”

“Fraggin’ hole, my female.” His balls throbbed with need. “You make me wild.”

“Show me that wild.” She issued that statement like a dare.

He accepted that challenge. Strike captured her lips with his. He licked and laved and speared his tongue into her mouth.

And then he drove her down on him. Not with his full strength. His female was strong and brave, but she was also human, and her kind was fragile. He wielded enough of his power to create heat between them when they connected.

As she descended, he mouthed over her chin, along her neck, and between her breasts, leaving a trail of his bubbling nanocybotics, as she called them, over her brown skin.

She gasped and clutched his skull, burrowing her fingers into the short strands of his hair.

He facilitated her retreat and then her advance, her retreat and then her advance. As he propelled her downward, he sucked on her breasts, leaving breeding marks over her curves. And he thrust upward, delving deep inside her.

It wasn’t enough. He needed more. They needed more.

Strike stood with her, not breaking their rhythm. He laid her over the console. She hooked her ankles above his clenched ass.

Then he pistoned in and out of her with all the savageness in his tormented soul. Everything he emotionally had, he shared with her. Grunts escaped his lips. His female panted and held onto his shoulders. Sweat glistened on her skin. She sparkled underneath him.

Pressure formed on the base of his simulated spine. He was already close to completion.

She matched his pace. Her arms and legs quivered. Her pussy walls closed around his shaft.

Fraggin’ hole. He had never felt so needed, so essential, so alive. Breeding with his female was better than being of service. It surpassed the joy of a plan well executed. It was everything he hadn’t processed he was looking for.

And more. She was more.

“My Strike.” Her claiming words stripped layers of his restraint. “Can’t. Yes. Need. Oh.”