Page 32 of Strike Zone

She didn’t know where she was.

Her face was pressed against something warm and hard. The combination was surprisingly soothing. She nuzzled against that barrier.

An arousing rumble rose from its surface.

Her pussy dripped with wanting. She gazed upward and blinked.

Her cyborg gazed down at her. His bright-blue eyes glimmered.

Their situation rushed back to her. Her best friend and her best friend’s potential partner had been abducted. She was on her way to rescue them. Strike, a male she’d met that same planet rotation, was helping her.

“Is everything okay?” She rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“We continue to travel toward Powlus Zetus.” His voice was seductively deep. “A warship was detected on our monitoring systems. I shifted our trajectory to avoid it. We weren’t pursued.”

“That’s…good.” That also sounded potentially dangerous.

“I’ve fabricated the rest of the rescue plan for your friend and her male.” He curled a tendril of her hair around his right index finger. “We could review it now.”

Reviewing plans required thinking. And concentration.

She was too…stimulated for that right now.

“Or we could do other things.” Kesser gave her cyborg her most-seductive smile. “Naughty, not-needing-garments things.”

Energy flashed in his eyes. “You want to breed.”

“I want to breed.” Fates. That sounded deliciously primitive. She trembled. “Do you want to breed?”

“I want that more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my lifespan.” He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her snug against his big form.

There was a massive bulge in his body armor. Kesser wiggled. Her male was turned on also.

“Do we have time to breed and prepare for the rescue mission?” She desired him to the point of wildness but not to the point of forgoing her friend’s safety. “This boinkfest won’t slow us down?”

“The modified freighter is flying at its top speed.” Strike gave her that reassurance. “And we’ll have sufficient time to prepare for the rescue mission.”

“Then let’s do this.” She unfastened her cloak and tossed it behind her. “Let’s breed.”

“Yes.” He ripped his body armor off his form so quickly she couldn’t track his movements. His hands were a blur.

Her male shifted her first to his right side and then to his left as he undressed. The pieces of his protective garments flew across the bridge and bounced off walls.

The body he revealed was…perfect. His biceps bulged. His stomach muscles were defined. His skin was smooth and gray and seemed endless. The male had no hair anywhere other than on his head.

Kesser’s gaze lowered and her mouth dried.

His cock…Fates…he was dauntingly huge.

But she could…and she would take him. Her desire for her cyborg compounded until it raged out of control inside her.

She was thankful he had formed a plan for their mission.

Because thoughts of anything other than the male in front of her and her tremendous need had evaporated from her brain.

“I’m going to fuck your sockets off, cyborg.” She made him that promise.

“I’m your cyborg.” He drifted his rough fingertips along her jaw.