Page 27 of Strike Zone

He laved her lips, the flesh she often damaged, with his tongue, covering them with his nanocybotics. That part of him would repair her. And it would proclaim to all other cyborgs that the exquisite female on his lap was his.

“We should be. Planning. The rescue.” His female panted.

Strike rested his forehead against hers. “The journey to Powlus Zetus takes six planet rotations and two shifts.” They would spend every moment of that duration together. “We have sufficient time to plan the rescue and kiss.”

“And if I want to do more than that?” His female’s voice was barely audible.

But he heard her, with his auditory system and with his heart. “We have the time to do that also.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “It’s your decision.”

He would wait until she was ready. Even if that took solar cycles.

His balls might explode. His lips twitched. But he wouldn’t rush her.

“It’s my decision.” She gazed up at him.

He nodded and said nothing, not wanting to pressure her.

“If this was solely about you and me, I’d rip off your body armor and boink you senseless right here and right now.” The passion shining in her eyes brought out a wildness in him he struggled to control. “But this isn’t solely about you and me. My friend and her male are in danger, and only a terrible being would think about her own needs first.” She gave him an adorably sheepish smile. “I’m trying not to be a terrible being.”

He projected his female was far from a terrible being. Her sense of duty and her loyalty equaled his.

“We’ll plan the rescue first.” He said the words for her. “Then we’ll breed.”

Her cheeks flooded with pink pigment. “Yes.”

They would breed. And he would claim her. Forever.

Then he would have to leave her. For a short duration. While he tracked the origins of the pulsing sound.

The noise might be a threat to all those in the cyborg sector and possibly the universe.

It might be a threat to her, his fragile human female.


Kesser was going to fuck her cyborg. They would boink in his captain’s chair. And against the wall. And over the ship’s console.

Then they’d boink some more.

There were no doubts in her mind that would happen. Her desire for him was off the charts. She would have to touch him. All over. Lick him. Suck on him.

Her certainty about their garment-shedding future was accompanied by guilt.

Her friend and her friend’s male were in danger. She should be solely thinking about them and not lusting after a near stranger.

A huge near stranger with gorgeous gray skin and energy-infused brilliant blue eyes. A male who had kissed her like he had a hunger only her lips would sate. She wiggled on his lap. A warrior with an intriguingly large bulge in his body armor. She?—

“Powlus Zetus is a small planet.” Strike, the being she was lusting over, displayed an image of their destination on the main viewscreen. He was focused on the mission. As she should be. “According to the databases, they have nine primary settlements. If the inhabitants of one of those settlements are sympathetic to the abductors’ cause, there’s a high probability your friend and her male will be brought there.”

That made sense to her. They now had to narrow down which settlement that would be.

She could help with that task.

“The abductors had black squiggly lines drawn on their knuckles.” That had to be key to their identity. “I’ve seen those somewhere, but I can’t remember where.”

“I’m scanning the databases for Powluks with finger markings.” Her cyborg was a male of action, and that was reassuring.

Because she had no fuckin’ idea how to plan a rescue mission.