Page 25 of Strike Zone

Lights flashed on the console as they climbed higher.

His female wiggled forward and peered down. “It says ‘communications’. I think we’re being hailed.”

She was clever, and that eased some of his disgruntlement.

“Ships usually need authorization to take off, don’t they?” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth.

That was stimulating as all frag. He wanted her. Wildly.

“I could talk to my mom, ask her to grant us permission.” She grimaced. “I’d rather not do that. She wouldn’t approve of you and me going on this rescue mission. Mostly me. She doesn’t know about you.”

While his female chattered, Strike accessed the planet’s security system. He hadn’t 100.0000 percent exited it. And he gave their ship authorization to leave the surface.

“She’d assign the rescue to other beings. That would take too much time. Talley is in danger, and…” His female paused and leaned over the console again. “Oh. The flashing lights went away.”

Strike strapped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her snug against him. She fit as though she was manufactured for him.

Because she had been. They were fabricated for each other.

“Ummm…” His female tormented him with more erotic humming. “I should sit in my own chair.” She squirmed, brushing her ass against his body armor-constricted cock, and he swallowed a groan. “This can’t be comfortable for you.”

It wasn’t comfortable. It was fraggin’ tantalizing.

“Do you want to sit in your own chair, my female?” His voice lowered with need.

Their modified freighter broke free of the planet’s atmosphere and shot into open space.

“We should focus on our mission.” Her response implied she couldn’t focus while seated on his lap.

She didn’t want to move to another chair. His female projected she should seek to do that.

“Our mission is to rescue Talley.” He assumed that being was a friend of his female’s. “And Tsadok, the heir apparent of Powlus Zetus, from beings who have abducted them. But first, we’re traveling to the male’s home planet. What’s our purpose there?”

“Oh, right.” She slapped one of her palms against her forehead. “I didn’t tell you. I saw one of the abductors’ fingers. They were green.”

“You assume they’re Powluks.” That was sound logic.

His female nodded. “They can’t stay on Syndiculous 5, especially after word spreads about the abduction. With their green skin and tusks, they’d be too noticeable.” She paused. “Oh, and don’t tell anyone about this…ummm…I’m sorry. I don’t know your name.”

“My name is Strike.” He inputted their destination into the guidance system, plotting the shortest route to the planet. “You can call me your Strike or your warrior.”

“Don’t tell anyone about this, Strike.” His name sounded good on her lips.

“Your Strike,” he corrected her.

“My Strike.” That verbal claiming sounded even better. “This could jeopardize the peace between our planets. I’m hoping we can rescue them before anyone else finds out what has happened.”

“I won’t tell any humans or humanoids.” He would have to relay the development to Captain and to his fellow officers.

The completion of his own mission would be delayed due to his female’s situation.

He tilted his head. Powlus Zetus was located at only a 2.4586 degree angle to the west of his original trajectory. The locals might have more intel about the pulsing sound.

“Thank you.” His female smiled at him.

His systems flickered. All the words in his databases were temporarily purged.

He gazed back at her, unable to form a coherent response.