Page 18 of Strike Zone

He had found his genetic match, the being he had been manufactured to bond with, cherish, and safeguard. Strike drew himself up to his full height. And, according to the blue-eyed being, she needed his protection.

“What is the threat to my female?” He glanced back at the deliverer of that message.

The humanoid in the multicolored cloak didn’t answer him.

She was gone.

The being had not only disappeared from his visual system but she had also vanished from his life-form scans. That should’ve been an impossible feat.

He returned his gaze to his garment-draped female.

It was as impossible as a cyborg warrior finding his genetic match on a planet he almost hadn’t visited in a crowd of beings seeking to conceal their identities.

He would process the impossible later.

Strike tracked the movements of the green-edged black cloak.

He had a female to safeguard now.


The plan Kesser had put together for Talley and Tsadok’s meeting was progressing far smoother than she had expected.

Tsadok convinced his father to send him to the planet to negotiate some small lingering details of the trade agreements between Powlus Zetus and Syndiculous 5. Then he merely stayed for a couple more planet rotations.

Kesser, being the daughter of Syndiculous 5’s Global Minister, had easily obtained invitations for all of them to the Guidance Gala, the most exclusive event of The Guidance. It was being held, as it had been last solar cycle, at the Minister of Manufacturing’s domicile.

She had tucked one of the invitations into Tsadok’s copy of the highly confidential trade-agreement notes. He confirmed, via communications with Talley, that he had received it.

All that was then required was to attend the gala.

Kesser arrived at Talley’s domicile in a land transport. There was no need to battle with the guards. Her friend, clad in a black cloak with green trim, rushed out of the compound and climbed into the land transport.

“It’s time.” Talley plunked her skinny ass into the seat beside hers. Her cloak parted, revealing pale bare legs.

Fates. Kesser blinked. She hoped her friend wasn’t completely naked under the cloak.

“It’s time.” She clasped Talley’s hands. Her friend’s fingers trembled with excitement. “Did your dad give you any trouble?”

“Surprisingly…no.” Talley wrinkled her nose. “He gave me a long confusing speech about how he knew I’d be safe because he’d never allow anything bad to happen to me, and then he told me to have fun.” She shrugged. “Tsadok’s cloak is black with green trim also. He looks so sexy in it.”

“He’ll match me, then.” Kesser slipped out of her green-with-black-trim cloak and handed it to her friend. “You told him we’re switching disguises, right?”

Unlike Talley, Kesser had been wearing a figure-covering flight suit under her cloak.

The fabric was green and shiny, but the construction of it was durable and extremely practical.

She considering herself to be on duty during the event. Her focus was ensuring the meeting between her friend and the Powluk went well.

That was what a support being did—she served others.

“He liked that I’d be wearing green with black trim.” Talley took off her cloak. Her friend had donned a garment, but not much of one. Strips of fabric crisscrossed her chest and hips, covering her breasts, mons, and ass. “He said everyone would know I’m his.” She shivered dramatically. “My great green hunk of a male is so possessive. I love it.”

They put on each other’s cloaks. That concealing outerwear had been crafted in the same size.

Kesser had a much fuller figure and was a little bit taller. That meant her friend’s cloak only reached her calves.

It didn’t matter. She shook off that concern. The garment provided adequate coverage. And the hood was the right proportions. It covered her face.