Page 11 of Strike Zone

Kesser relaxed.

Her friend was reckless, but she kept her vows. That specific disaster had been averted.

“But I do want to see him. Soon.” Talley’s voice was wistful. Her friend was in deep emotional bonding with the male. “You’ll help us with the meeting?”

“When have I ever not helped you?” Kesser pushed away her remaining trepidations and grinned at her friend.

“That’s true.” Talley hugged her. “I can always count on you. You’re my best friend.”

“You’re my best friend also.” Kesser loved her like she imagined beings loved their sisters. “How soon is this meeting happening?”

“We thought we’d meet during The Guidance.” Her friend returned her gaze to Tsadok’s image. “Everyone will be wearing hooded cloaks. Their faces will be hidden, and it lasts three planet rotations. There are plenty of events to attend. My dad will expect me to go out…with you.”

And while they were out, her friend would meet with Tsadok. “Then we have forty-two planet rotations to plan this.” Kesser could work within that time frame.

The Guidance was a celebration of the power of the Fates. Beings hid their identities and temporarily shed their responsibilities. That was meant to better allow those deities to push them in the direction of their destinies.

In reality, it resulted in quite a few illicit encounters and the drinking of too much fermented beverage.

“You’re a good planner.” Talley stated that truth.

Kesser was a good planner. She’d learned from the best—her mom. One didn’t become the leader of an entire planet by not planning.

“I’ll miss you when I go live on Powlus Zetus with Tsadok.” Her friend put her head on Kesser’s shoulder.

“I’ll miss you too.” Kesser would think about that when it happened.

Talley fell in love like some beings changed garments.

Though she had liked her current male for over a solar cycle. Kesser chewed on her bottom lip. That was concerning.

Talley lifted her head. “You could fall in love with one of Tsadok’s hunky warriors.” Excitement edged her voice. “You like green. They’re green.”

She did like green. Kesser ran her hands over her green flight suit.

“And you have their kind’s ideal female shape.” Talley paused. “Tsadok prefers my shape but he’s unique.”

“Powluks value strength.” Kesser’s tone was dry. They were a warrior species. “They want a female who can throw a battle ax. Not a female who looks like she ate too many nourishment bars.”

She was curvy. All over.

“They like big breasts.” Talley patted her much-smaller chest. “And they like wide hips.”

That might be true, but Kesser didn’t merely want to be liked.

She wanted to be loved. With wild desperate abandon. She wanted what her parents had. Before tragedy struck.

It was doubtful that brand of adoration, that level of all engulfing passion was her destiny.

Support beings didn’t inspire those types of fervent emotions.

“Let’s focus on your upcoming meeting with your Tsadok.” She redirected her friend’s attention to her own love life.

“I’ll finally see him again, Kess.” Talley shook with excitement.

Kesser had never seen her friend as happy as she was now. She had to admit that maybe, maybe Talley’s feelings for the Powluk were different than they had been for the other males and females.

Which meant it wouldn’t be the only secret meeting she’d have to arrange.