Page 10 of Strike Zone

“Talley…” Kesser didn’t know what to say.

“It’s love, Kess. It’s meant to be.” Talley reached over and retrieved her handheld. “And don’t say it’s a passing thing. It’s been over a solar cycle, and I love him as much…no, more than I did then.” She tapped her fingertips against the device. “Look at him. How can I not love him? He’s such a great green hunk of a male.”

The image on the tiny screen reflected a fully mature Powluk male in battle armor. His skin was green. He had sharp tusks protruding from the edges of his lips. His nose was flatter than a human’s. He was built like a door.

And he also looked familiar. “Is that…?”

“That’s Tsadok.” Talley caressed the screen.

“That’s Second Zetus Tsadok, their future leader.” Kesser struggled to contain her dismay. “Talley, our kind killed millions of his kind. They’ll never accept you as their leader’s partner.”

“That’s in the past.” Her friend’s jaw jutted. “The war’s over. And we’re in love. He said he would battle every being in the universe to claim me.” She looked at Kesser. “Isn’t that romantic?”

“It’s certainly something.” Kesser pinched the bridge of her nose. “Is he on the planet?”

“No.” Talley eased that fear. “I haven’t seen him since that first planet rotation. We communicate through this.” She lifted her handheld. “But he’s working on a way to get here. And Kess, I need your help. Because my dad can’t know I’m meeting with him. He…he wouldn’t react well.”

That was the understatement of the solar cycle. “Your dad will always view Tsadok’s kind as the enemy.”

“He doesn’t know Tsadok.” Talley said that as though that would make a difference to her dad.

It wouldn’t alter his view. Nothing did.

Talley’s dad was as unmoving as a mountain.

Kesser’s expression must’ve conveyed her doubt.

Because her friend shrugged. “I don’t care what my dad thinks.” Her jaw jutted. “I can’t remember the last time he has asked me…anything about myself. My dad doesn’t know me. He issues orders and leaves.”

Talley’s relationship with her dad was as bad as Kesser’s relationship with her mom was good.

Kesser didn’t envy her friend.

“And the Fates have spoken.” Talley gazed at the small screen. “My destiny is entwined with my big green hunk’s.”

Many beings on Syndiculous 5, including Talley, believed three deities, called the Fates, decided everyone’s future.

Kesser thought that was an excuse to rationalize rash actions.

Like merging with a male their violence-embracing dad would, without hesitation, shoot on sight.

“I don’t know about this, Talley.” Kesser grimaced.

“What’s there to know about?” Her friend rolled her eyes. “It’s only a meeting, Kess. It’s not like we’re running away together.”

Oh fuck. Her friend wouldn’t have mentioned that alternative if she hadn’t been thinking about it.

“Running away together would be disrespectful to the Fates.” Kesser crafted her response carefully. One wrongly wielded word would push her rebellious friend into doing something rash. “You’re meant to be together. The Fates’ll provide a means to do that, one that will bring joy not only to the two of you but also to your families.”

Talley pursed her lips.

“The Fates brought you together.” Kesser reminded her. “We have to trust they’ll reveal a way for you to stay together.”

“We are meant to be together.” Her friend looked at the male’s image again. “And we don’t want to anger the Fates.”

“No running away together.” Kesser prompted.

“No running away together.” Talley sighed.