Page 88 of Ancient Magic

Chapter 16

Skye stepped out of the thick vegetation and halted in surprise. They’d arrived in Panama less than four hours after sunset and taken a short helicopter ride to be dumped in the middle of a mangrove forest. It’d felt remarkably like they were still in Louisiana with lots of green mossy plants and soft swampy ground until she stepped into the unexpected clearing.

She turned in a slow circle, amazed by the abrupt change in scenery. The swampy ground was replaced with slick craggy rocks, and directly in front of her the mouth of a vast cave rose like a beast from the age of dragons, ready to swallow the unwary. The moonlight spilled from a sky that appeared close enough to reach up and pluck a silvery star from the dark velvet, reflecting in the water that pooled in low areas.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” she breathed, then instinctively she clapped her hand over her mouth. “Sorry.”

Stepping next to her, Micha studied her with a searching gaze. “Why are you apologizing? It is beautiful.”

Beautiful...yes. Skye melted as she tilted back her head to absorb the sight of the male’s outrageous splendor. From the start she’d thought he looked like a god. Now, surrounded by the lush primitive landscape, he was even more divine. A dark, mysterious deity too perfect to be real.

“We’re here to stop the world from going down in flames, not to admire the scenery,” she said, not adding that Micha was enough of a distraction.

“We can do both, can’t we?” he asked in confusion.

Skye wrinkled her nose. The apology had been instinctive. Over the years, she’d developed an ability to isolate the visions from her day-to-day life. It was the only way to keep her sanity, and for the most part, the visions didn’t affect her on a personal level. It didn’t mean she’d forgotten the visions, just that she was able to keep them contained so they didn’t overwhelm her.

“Most people wouldn’t think so,” she said. “They don’t understand how I can see someone’s imminent death and then spend the day baking muffins.”

An eerie stillness settled around Micha. When he was distracted he forgot to look human.

“Damn. I just realized how hard it must be for you not to allow the visions to taint your life,” he said in soft tones. “They must be overwhelming at times.”

“Crushing,” she agreed. If Micha truly intended to spend a future with her, then he needed to know that her magic had a cost. “That’s why I try to limit contact with people I don’t know.”

With an ease that made Skye’s heart skip a beat, Micha grabbed her hips and tugged her close, gazing down at her with a stark intensity. She lifted her hands to smooth them over his chest, reminded of long daylight hours they’d spent stretched on his mattress. They hadn’t shared more than slow, drugging kisses, but it had been glorious. And wrapped tightly in his arms, she’d eventually fallen into a deep sleep that had restored her badly depleted magic.

“Which means more contact for me,” he said in a husky growl.

Anticipation curled in the pit of her stomach as she became lost in the rich golden gaze. “You triggered my last vision, remember?”

“Never again.” He leaned down to press a lingering kiss against her lips. “I promise.”

Skye curled her fingers into the soft fabric of his jacket. They were both dressed in black jeans and matching black windbreakers. They couldn’t hide themselves from the demons, but they hoped to avoid attracting the attention of any local humans.

“You make a lot of bold promises,” she reminded him.

“I’m attempting to convince you that I should be a part of your life.”

Going onto her tiptoes, Skye kissed him hard enough to feel the delicious press of his fangs.

“I’m already convinced.”


Her name died on his lips as Micha jerked his head up, the encircling vegetation swaying as if he was using his powers to search the area for intruders.

“You sense something?” she demanded, touching the charms attached to her bracelet. They glowed in the moonlight, the echo of Peri’s wild magic tingling in the air.

“Copper.” Micha at last identified the scent that had captured his attention.

“Lynx.” She sent Micha a tight smile. They’d taken a risk to trust the memory spell might be connected to the fairy’s current quest for the mysterious sword. It was a relief to know that the gamble had paid off.

“Yes. And there’s five other demons with him.” He nodded toward the far side of the clearing. “They’re headed this way. Let’s see where they go.”

Silently retracing their steps, Skye and Micha disappeared in the lush plants even as Lynx stepped into the open.

He’d pulled his golden hair into a braid and had changed into a spandex shirt and pants that clung faithfully to his lean muscles. He looked like he was about to hit the gym. Then the moonlight coated him in silver, revealing the bleak determination etched on his features.