Chapter 14
After gathering every book he possessed on the Dragon Treaty, Micha had spread them across the long wooden table in the center of the main chamber and started his search for the location of the original meeting. Just a few feet away, Skye did the same, her brow furrowed as she absently chewed on the end of one golden curl. The knowledge she was so near, looking gloriously adorable, not to mention exquisitely edible, should have been distracting. Instead, there was an easy comfort as the two of them worked side by side as they shared information and separated myth and legend from genuine history.
A merciless certainty settled in the center of Micha’s chest. He’d known beautiful, sexy, intelligent women in his long life. But Skye was the only one who fit into his lair as if he’d created it just for her. And maybe he had, he wryly acknowledged. Perhaps when he’d been arrogantly deciding to create a lair where he could retreat from the world, he’d unconsciously wished to discover that one, unique creature who could share it with him.
And he was going to do everything in his power to make sure that she spent her future at his side.
Everything in his power.
Now, Micha stood at the back of the space, studying the top map that was framed and protected by layers of glass and magic. It was his oldest map that he’d discovered buried beneath tons of hardened lava. It’d been protected by layers of fey magic and hidden from the world for countless centuries.
Lifting his hand, he pressed a finger against the glass, pointing at a location in the center of Panama.
“These caves are the most likely location.”
Standing close enough to envelop him in her scented warmth, Skye nodded. “I agree.”
Micha slowly turned. He’d devoted enough time and attention to solving the mystery of Lynx and his weird-ass crystal. He wanted to concentrate on this mage who’d bewitched him with a glance.
“I knew that we would make a good team,” he murmured.
She arched a brow. “Not always. You accused me of kidnapping you.”
“You did kidnap me.”
She pretended to consider his response. “I suppose that’s true.”
He grimaced as he recalled his shock when she’d arrived with the fairies to force him out of Valen’s lair and into the van.
“And worse, I was dreaming about you when you snuck into my private rooms,” he confessed.
She blinked. “You were not.”
He stepped closer, using the tips of his fingers to trace the delicate sweep of her jaw.
“Why are you surprised? It wasn’t an accident I followed you into Valen’s private study during the party. You caught my interest from the moment I glimpsed you across the room.” He smiled as a rosy heat tinted her cheeks and the scent of lush laurel leaves swirled through the air. Desire sizzled and snapped between them, creating an electric current that threatened to set him on fire. In the best possible way. “It wasn’t just your beauty, although I’ll admit I was fascinated by these lush curls,” his voice roughened as he threaded his fingers into her satin hair and tugged her head back. “And the darkness of your eyes that promised the mysteries of the world.” Slowly he lowered his head to press his lips against each of her eyes before sweeping his mouth over her brow. “And of course, there was the desire to rip off that gauzy bit of fabric and discover if your skin was as satin smooth as it appeared.” With a growl, he lifted his head to study her with a blatant hunger. “And then you looked me in the eye and warned me not to harm your friend and I was lost.”
A bemused expression emphasized her sweet features. “You dreamed about me because I threatened you?”
“Because you were fiercely loyal and willing to face down a member of the Cabal to protect someone you love,” he clarified. “And then I witnessed you getting tossed out of the window of a demon bar and that was that. I became a victim of your allure.”
She snorted, a hint of amusement shimmering in the depths of her midnight eyes. “Hardly a victim.”
“Hmm. Let’s say I was a willing victim,” he conceded. “But it was entirely your fault that I was lost in my fantasies when I was so rudely interrupted by the kidnappers.” His gaze lowered to the lush temptation of her lips. The memory of her addictive taste rushed through him, lengthening his fangs until they throbbed for a taste. “Even after I was attacked I thought the scent of laurel leaves must be a product of my imagination. I couldn’t imagine why you would be with the fairies.”
Without warning she reached up to place her fingers against his lips, a stricken expression twisting her delicate features.
“Please don’t say that,” she pleaded. “I was terrified they were going to hurt you.”
Micha remembered watching her dash toward him. At the time, he hadn’t been worried that she intended to hurt him. Just baffled at her presence.
“Is that why you grabbed me?”
“Yes. I didn’t even consider the possibility of a vision.” She grimaced. “Careless.”
“Fate,” he said in firm tones. He was a dedicated scholar who believed in what he could see and touch. But he was also a vampire who’d lived a very long time in the unfathomable magic of the bayous. Logic was all well and good, but it didn’t explain everything. “The same fate that brought me to New York City to discover what I was missing.”
She allowed her fingertips to brush lightly over his face, as if savoring the feel of his skin.