And they most certainly never discussed how they were resurrected after they died. Skye didn’t even know how a new body was chosen or where they went while they were in between human forms.
Then with an effort he answered her question. “The war wasn’t organized, but there was a constant battle for who would control the various territories.”
“Who was winning?”
“For countless eons, dragons controlled the world,” he conceded. “There weren’t many of them, but dragon fire is the one certain way to destroy a vampire.”
Skye widened her eyes. “Forever destroyed?”
“Yes. There was a time in the long-distant past when there were thousands of my brothers roaming the world.”
Yikes. Thousands of vampires? That was...horrifying. She shuddered, happy she hadn’t been around when there were an overabundance of vampires roaming around and dragons were belching fire at them.
“If dragons could destroy the vampires, then why would they agree to a treaty?”
“The vampires discovered that dragon scales could be pierced by iron. Once they created weapons that could slay the beasts at a distance, my brothers went on a killing spree.” Micha grimaced, as if troubled by the savagery of his people. “Eventually the dragons were forced to accept they had no choice but to negotiate with the vampires and find a way to exist without exterminating one another.” He nodded toward the male and female still arguing in the mist. “They eventually concluded if they couldn’t live in peace, they would have to take turns sharing the world.”
“Were the demons involved?”
“At the time, most of them were enslaved by either the vampires or the dragons. At least until the dragons went into hibernation. From the artwork and scrolls that managed to survive from that time period, it seemed there was a lot of chaos. Not surprising. There would have been a major power vacuum before the vampires managed to gain control. Plus, for many goblins and fairies it was the first time in their existence that they’d been free. Eventually they started forming their own hordes.” His lips twisted into a wry smile. “It was inevitable it would lead to the first demon war.”
There was a movement from inside the mist and Skye returned her attention to the silent tableau that was unfolding. Tatis and Zanna stared at each other with a tangible loathing, but they both managed a stiff bow.
“They must have come to some sort of agreement,” Micha said.
“Zanna doesn’t look happy,” Skye retorted, watching the flames dance around the dragon’s slender body as if she was struggling to restrain them.
“There’s someone else coming,” Micha murmured as there was more movement, and a tall male with long reddish-gold hair and blue eyes so dark that Skye initially thought they were black strolled to stand between the two powerful creatures. He was wearing a long, silvery robe threaded with gold that shimmered as he walked. His hood was up, but she could make out the delicate lines of his profile.
Skye studied him in confusion. She felt as if she’d met him before. But where?
“A demon?” she asked in confusion.
Micha shook his head. “Back then there was no mistaking a goblin or fairy,” he reminded her. “Most goblins stood over seven feet tall and fairies still had wings. Plus, there’s no aura.”
Lifting a hand, the unknown creature pushed back his hood, and Skye could make out an arrogant expression and a familiar half smile.
“Oh. He looks a little like Lynx,” she said, although that didn’t fully satisfy her sense of recognition.
“That must be his relative. The original Lynx.”
“And the reason this spell was triggered.”
“You think someone wanted us to see this particular memory?” he asked.
She nodded. It was the only thing that made sense, unless it’d been the most amazing coincidence in the history of the world. Her thoughts had been focused on the crystal and the mysterious spell that had protected the temple. The spirit must have activated the magic to reveal the memory.
“I do.”
His golden gaze swept over her face, as if searching for a secret. “There’s something bothering you.”
She clicked her tongue in frustration. “I feel as if I can almost recognize the male. Not just because he looks a little like Lynx, but...” She shook her head. “I can’t think of who it is.”
The male they assumed was Lynx reached into a hidden pocket of his robe and pulled out a scroll. Then, with a flamboyant motion, he unrolled the document and spread it on the pedestal, revealing the glyphs etched on the parchment. Minutes passed before the vampire and dragon nodded in grudging agreement and Lynx covered the scroll with his hand. Seconds later the middle of the pedestal seemed to melt into a puddle and the scroll sank out of view. Skye arched her brows. She didn’t know what sort of magic the creature possessed, but it was powerful. Had his great-times-ten-grandson inherited the same magic? Skye grimaced at the thought.
Trying to shuffle through the spotty history she’d learned of magic users in an attempt to identify the male, Skye nearly missed the conclusion of the treaty. It wasn’t until the vampire lifted his hand to press his thumb against the lethal point of his fang that she realized that the dragon was already shaking blood on the pedestal where the scroll had disappeared. Sparks exploded and Skye imagined she could hear the sizzle as the blood hit the marble. A puff of smoke was starting to rise, only to instantly freeze as the vampire’s blood hit the marble in the exact spot. The two splatters of blood darkened and spread across the pedestal, bubbling as if it was brewing into some sort of toxic amalgamation.
And maybe it was. Even as she watched, a mist formed above the blackish liquid. It thickened, pulsing with a crimson glow. It continued to pulse and thicken, shrinking to the size of a...