Page 69 of Ancient Magic

“It doesn’t feel threatening,” she assured him, then frowned as the air thickened, as if the spirit was sending a warning. “Not to us,” she amended.

Micha slowly nodded, his brief unease replaced with a rueful acceptance. “This is Louisiana. It would be a shame if my lair wasn’t haunted.”


Micha waved a hand toward the opening between the bookcases. “I’ll show you to your rooms.”

She nodded in agreement, not sure what to expect as they moved through a wide tunnel that branched off in every direction, giving the sense of a vast spiderweb running beneath the bayous. The caverns were stark, but they didn’t feel inhospitable. It was more a feeling of an empty space waiting to be filled.

Pushing open the wooden door at the end of the tunnel, Micha waved for Skye to enter. As she stepped over the threshold, a soft light spilled from an overhead globe connected to a magical spell that ran through the caverns. Micha hadn’t exaggerated when he said he’d spent a fortune on mages. The glow revealed a surprisingly cozy room with a large four-poster bed and a polished wood armoire that was left open to reveal the satin robes hanging inside. There was also an opening on the far side that offered a glimpse of a bathroom complete with a walk-in shower. Skye released a sigh of pleasure. Exactly what she needed.

“You can rest here while I—”

“I’m not tired,” she cut off his words, then ruined her claim with a wide yawn. She held up her hand as he started to protest. “Really, I’m fine,” she insisted, well aware there would be no way she could sleep. No matter how tired she might be. “A shower, maybe something to eat, and I’ll be ready to figure out what magic was protecting the crystal.”

The golden gaze swept over her stubborn expression before Micha offered a grudging nod.

“I’ll have fresh clothes and dinner delivered while you shower,” he promised. “My staff has access to the finest restaurants in New Orleans. They can have whatever you desire in less than an hour. What are you hungry for?”

Skye pressed her hand against her stomach as it rumbled, licking her lips in anticipation. There was nothing better than Cajun cuisine.


Micha made a strangled sound at her response. Or maybe it was the whole lip-licking thing. He stepped closer, his icy power wrapping around her. Skye shivered. Not from cold. Oddly, the closer he stood, the hotter her blood ran. No, it wasn’t odd, she silently conceded, tilting back her head as he loomed over her. He was so devastatingly beautiful. The sculpted features with a bold nose and sharply carved cheekbones and sensuous lips. His dark skin as smooth as satin and his eyes shimmering with a vibrant golden glow.

A lush, magnificent god that stirred her deepest fantasies.

He reached out to stroke his fingers through her curls. “Everything?”

“Yes,” she agreed without hesitation.

“All you have to do is ask and I’ll make sure it’s yours.”

She moved forward, arching against his hard body. “That’s a bold promise.”

Micha hissed in pleasure, wrapping her tight in his arms as his gaze skimmed over her upturned face.

“You make me bold, Skye Claremont,” he said, his voice harsh with hunger. “Until I caught sight of you in Valen’s lair, all I wanted was to hide in the shadows.”


His hands slid up the curve of her spine, his touch igniting sparks of delight that tingled in all the right spots.

“I’ve never been plagued with the restless ambitions of my brothers,” he admitted, his hands continuing to explore her willing body. “I don’t need to conquer and rule to satisfy my ego. All I truly wanted was peace and the opportunity to savor my vast collections.”

Skye could sympathize. She loved spending time with Maya and Peri and the customers who came into the Witch’s Brew, but there was a cost to being surrounded by people. She was forced to constantly keep up her shields, even when she was alone in her rooms. Being alone with Micha in these caverns was the first time she’d ever been able to truly relax.

“So why are you a member of the Cabal?” she asked.

His jaw tightened even as his fingers traced the curve of her shoulders and down her arms. The touch was as light as a feather, but it continued to spark a desire in Skye that was threatening to rage out of control.

“Those in power always fear that someone is plotting to steal it away from them,” he murmured, his nostrils flaring as he caught the unmistakable scent of her need. “And my talents are quite unique. It made me a threat whether I wanted to be or not.”

She held his smoldering gaze, not remotely surprised the Cabal would be eager to control this male. The vampires ruled the world by maintaining a unified alliance. Any rogue would threaten their image of invincibility.

“I would guess your talents aren’t only more unique, but they’re stronger than most vampires,” she said dryly, unable to imagine how much power it must have taken to carve the cavern out of pure bedrock. “Not even Valen could create this lair.”

He shrugged. “Just as you’re unique.” His hands slid up to cup her face in his palms, his gaze lowering to her mouth. “We have a great deal in common.” His brows arched as she abruptly laughed at his claim. “What’s so funny?”