Page 8 of Ancient Magic

“The Cabal showed up in New York last night,” she abruptly announced.

Maya and Skye released mutual sounds of shock. Only the most powerful vampires were invited to become members of the exclusive group who ruled over the demon world.

“The whole Cabal?” Skye breathed in horror.

Peri shook her head. “Four of them. Gabriel from Denver, Micha from New Orleans, Kane from St. Petersburg and Ambassador Azra. He’s some sort of assistant to Sinjon, who’s the current head honcho of the Cabal.”

“Four of the most lethal leeches invaded Valen’s territory?” Maya’s magic tingled in the air, brushing over Skye’s skin like an electric current. “Are they plotting a rebellion?”

Peri grimaced. “TBD.”

Maya blinked. “What?”

“To be determined,” Skye clarified for her friend.

Maya sent her a frustrated glare. “I know what it means. I want to know why it’s yet to be determined.”

Skye shrugged. “Then that’s what you should have asked.”

It was Peri’s turn to head off a squabble. “The rumors of my wild magic have made their way through the demon world. The Cabal is here to determine if I’m a danger to the demons.”

Skye felt a sudden stab of unease. Unlike regular witches who could manipulate magical items and create spells with the proper ingredients, mages were born with wild magic flowing in their veins. Usually that manifested in a nuclear blast of power that ignited their magic when they reached adulthood—like gas being poured on kindling—before the magic retreated to a low simmer. Except for Peri. Her magic had always been amazing, but during a battle a few months ago with an ancient evil, the raw magic had once again blasted through her and stayed, giving her a power that was off the charts.

The sort of power that didn’t go unnoticed by those in charge.

“I don’t believe that’s why they’re here,” Maya growled in dangerous tones. “They aren’t worried about demons, they’re worried your power might be great enough to pose a threat to their supreme rule.”

Skye blinked. “Seriously? You think they’re a threat to Peri?”

“Absolutely. Leeches consider themselves superior to the rest of us. If Peri threatens their dominance, they’ll do whatever is necessary to destroy her.”

“I don’t threaten anything,” Peri argued.

“Of course you do,” Maya insisted. “Just having the power in your hands is a threat.”

Skye studied Peri, absorbing the pulses of apprehension that she couldn’t control.

“You’re worried,” Skye murmured.

Peri offered a grudging nod. “I don’t know exactly what they want from me. It’s not like there are specific reassurances I can offer to prove I’m not going to hurt anyone. At least, I would never hurt anyone on purpose.” She grimaced. “Plus, having four of the most powerful vampires in the world staying at our lair is a lot. Even Valen is uneasy.”

“You should stay here until they leave,” Maya announced, sounding as if the decision had been made.

Peri shook her head. “Tempting, but I refuse to be driven from my home. Even if they are the Cabal.”

Skye moved to grasp her friend’s hand. “What can we do to help?”

Peri offered her a grateful smile. “Valen and I are hosting a formal dinner party tomorrow night to welcome the Cabal to our Gyre. Not that we’re in the mood to entertain, but we don’t want anyone to think we have anything to hide.” She looked like she’d rather have her teeth pulled than to roll out the red carpet for her unwanted guests. “We’ve invited a few demons, along with the servants who’ve traveled with the vampires. And I want you both to be there.”

“Of course we’ll be there,” Maya said. “What time—”

“No,” Skye interrupted.

Maya narrowed her gaze. “No?”

Skye gave Peri’s fingers a squeeze. “We love you, Peri, you know that. And we would do anything to help you. But Maya can’t be trusted around vampires.”

The older woman sucked in a harsh breath. “That’s not true.”