Page 53 of Ancient Magic

Feeling oddly vulnerable as his searching gaze swept over her face and down her wrinkled, dust-coated dress, Skye turned to pace across the cell. She’d never cared about her appearance. She had, after all, spent a large chunk of her life enslaved by the demons. And now, she just wanted to be comfortable. It was strange to accept that she didn’t want Micha to see her looking like she’d been wrestling with a rabid bear.

Weird and annoying. She had more important things on her mind.

Like the flames from her vision that were threatening to destroy the world.

Yep. That was more important than a lot of stuff.

Reluctantly Skye forced herself to recall as much of the vision as she could. Had there been a sword? Or an object that might represent a weapon? Yes. There had been something... Not a physical sword, but a core of power at the center of the fire.

It was possible the mysterious Tempest was involved.

She whirled around, discovering that Micha was still watching her with that unwavering intensity.

“There’s something different about Lynx,” she warned, needing him to understand that the fairy was more than just another overly ambitious demon on a suicide mission.

“He’s an arrogant ass.” Micha pointed out the obvious.

“That’s every demon.” She deliberately paused. “And vampire.”

His lips twitched, then pressed together. “What’s different?”

“His aura.”

“Because he has royal blood?”

“It’s more than that. I can see silver streaked with the green.”


“Like lightning.” Skye lifted her hands. She didn’t have the words to explain the jagged shards that flared through Lynx’s aura.

“Why can’t I see it?”

Micha sounded more curious than disbelieving and Skye felt a knot in the center of her belly loosen. The glorious male might not fully trust her, and he most certainly would never forgive her, but he was willing to listen. That was better than she expected.

“I think it has something to do with my gift.”

“Like a premonition?”

She shook her head. “It’s more a sense that he’s hiding something beneath the surface. I don’t think anyone has seen the true Lynx. Not even his companions.”

He considered her words. “I’ve never heard anyone mention silver in an aura.”

“Me either.” She grimaced. “But it’s there.”

“Anything else?”

She started to shake her head, only to hesitate. “Yes, there’s something weirdly familiar about Lynx,” she admitted. “I keep thinking he must be related to one of the demons who held me captive, but I can’t place the face.”

Micha’s lips parted, but before he could continue his questioning, the sound of returning footsteps cut through the air. A moment later, Lynx reappeared, along with Yugan. Both fairies had changed into casual jeans and long-sleeved T-shirts. Yugan had also added an assault rifle to his ensemble.

“Ready or not, it’s time to go,” the fairy drawled, motioning toward Yugan to unlock the door to the cell.

Without warning, Micha moved to stand in front of her. “The seer stays.”

She stepped to the side in time to see Lynx shrug. “Fine with me. I’ll have her released once I get my hands on the sword.”

Skye scowled in annoyance. First off, she didn’t believe a word that came out of Lynx’s lying mouth. There was no way he was releasing her. Not unless she was a corpse. Second, she didn’t need a vampire to decide if she was staying or going.