“No. Something...” He shuddered. “Scary. I was glad when he got out of the car.”
Interesting. Maya didn’t know what had frightened Long Jong, but she tucked the information into the back of her mind.
“Anything else?”
“Not that I can remember.”
Maya stroked her fingers over his arm, the potion was beginning to wear off. She had only seconds left.
“You’re absolutely certain?” she pressed. “They didn’t say where they were going? Or why they were at Valen’s lair?”
He started to shake his head, only to hesitate. “Wait. I gave them the bag that I picked up from the weird dude.”
Maya clenched her teeth. She wanted to shake the idiot until the truth spilled out of him. Instead she forced a smile.
“What sort of bag?”
He scratched the end of his nose. “After I agreed to do the pickup, I got another text telling me to stop by and pick up an item before heading to Jersey. It was a few blocks out of my way, but they promised it would pay extra, so I made the stop.”
“What was in the bag?”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” Long Jong wisely didn’t give her the opportunity to respond. “I didn’t ask and I didn’t peek. Nothing good comes out of poking your nose into demon business.”
“Where did you pick it up?”
“The pawnshop two blocks north of here. A demon with long hair and a tattoo on his face was waiting by the curb.” His shoulders drooped as he widened his mouth in a loud yawn. “I’m tired.”
She patted his arm. That was all she was getting from Long Jong. At least for tonight.
“Rest and forget. This is all a dream,” she murmured, waiting for him to lean forward and lay his head on the table.
In an hour he would wake up with no memory that they’d ever spoken.
Breaking the bubble of silence around the booth, Maya slid out and headed for the door.
The night was still young.