“Azra did mention there were several descendants spread around the world,” he finally reminded her. “It wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine Peri is a great-great-great-grandchild.” He paused, as if carefully choosing his words. “And it would explain a few things.”
Skye blinked. As far as she was concerned, the fact that Peri might be related to the mysterious creatures only added another layer to her confusion.
“Explains what?”
“Her ability to tap into her wild magic.” He held up a hand, as if he thought she might be angered by his words. “Not that I’m taking away from her enormous talent, but it’s been endless centuries since any mage has been able to do more than skim a small fraction of that power. It’s possible her ancestry gave her the unique ability to release the magic.”
Skye couldn’t argue with his logic. “It would also explain why the magic that Peri had loaded onto my charms reacted so strongly in the cavern,” she murmured, recalling the thread of power that had led them past the lava and the ability to nearly destroy the crystal.
Skye pursed her lips as she considered the possibilities. She’d always suspected her friend was special. Unfortunately, they were no closer to the answers they needed.
“Even if she is related, it doesn’t reveal the truth of who or what he was, or the identity of the male who appeared in the cavern to snatch Lynx and the crystal,” she admitted, frustration bubbling through her.
“It’s possible we could do some DNA testing.”
Skye released a sharp laugh. “Are you kidding? You think Valen would allow you to start poking and prodding his mate?”
They shared a glance of dread at the mere thought of convincing the rabidly overprotective vampire to allow Peri to become a lab rat for the Cabal. Then, with a shake of his head, Micha visibly pushed aside the pending battle.
“A worry for later.” His features softened as his fingers drifted over the curve of her hip. “For now...”
Skye’s frustration was drowned beneath a wave of desire as she smoothed her palms over his chest, fascinated by the sculpted muscles that rippled beneath her touch.
“For now?” she prompted.
His cock pressed against her hip, his fangs fully extended. “I have a more interesting suggestion to pass the time.”
Without warning, Skye pushed hard against his chest, tumbling him flat on his back. Not waiting for him to realize what she intended, she climbed on top of his sprawled body.
“It’s my turn to decide how we pass the time,” she informed him.
The candlelight flared and soft music filled the cavern as he gazed up at her in wonderment.
“Anything to please you, Skye Claremont,” he softly promised. “Anything.”