“Is the vision you saw when you first touched me gone?”
Her fingers stroked over his face, pausing to trace the thrust of his fangs as if fascinated by their razor-sharp edge.
“It is,” she murmured in distracted tones.
“And no new ones?” he pressed.
“No visions.” She touched her fingertip against the point of his fang. “Just dreams.”
Micha shuddered as a ravenous hunger blasted through him. He desperately needed to sink his fangs deep into her soft flesh, sucking her warm blood as his cock slid deep into her body.
“Do they include me,” he rasped, his erection hardening to press tight against the curve of her hip.
“Yes, but...” her words trailed away with a deliberate enticement.
Desire clawed through him, joining the gnawing hunger until he struggled to think clearly. The heat and scent of her was enough to cloud his mind, but the feel of her snuggled in his lap was dissolving his thoughts until only his most basic instincts remained.
“But what?” He was proud he managed to form the words.
As if determined to shut down his brain completely, she reached to grasp the lapels of his robe, tugging them apart so she could slip her hands beneath the silken material.
“You didn’t have so many clothes on,” she said in husky tones, smoothing her palms over his bare chest.
Micha made a choked sound, his muscles clenching as the friction of her warm palms skimming over his body set off sparks of desire.
“That can be rectified,” he assured her, brushing his lips over her forehead.
“Can it?”
“With help.”
“Ah.” She trailed her hands downward to grasp the belt of his robe, easily tugging it away. “I’m a very good helper,” she assured him, pushing the slick fabric down his arms.
“Yes, yes you are.” Micha allowed the robe to slide away, leaving him naked as he turned to gently lay her in the center of the mattress. Moving to join her, he rolled onto his side and stretched out next to her reclined form. Staring down at her flushed face surrounded by a halo of golden curls, anticipation bubbled through him like the finest champagne. “And a kick-ass mage,” he added as he reached for the belt of her robe.
Pleasure danced in her eyes, her arms stretching above her head as he parted the robe to reveal her soft curves. She looked like a sensual cat begging to be petted.
“I did kick some ass,” she agreed.
With a low growl, Micha reached to cup a full breast in his hand, his cock twitching as he watched the nipple clench with an eager need.
“Dragon ass,” he added, lowering his head.
“Zanna wasn’t actually—”
He sealed her mouth with a kiss that warned he wasn’t going to listen to any nonsense. Not if she was going to undermine her heroic efforts. Plus, it was the perfect excuse to taste her sweet temptation.
Magic hit his tongue, tingling through him like an intoxicating potion. She’d already bewitched him. Now she was molding him into someone new. A male who would never be the same after this night.
“You kicked her ass and saved the world,” he whispered against her parted lips, his thumb stroking her nipple until she melted in desire.
“Perhaps,” she murmured.
He turned his head, scraping his fangs along the line of her jaw. “Eventually I’ll convince you to believe in yourself,” he promised.
Releasing a shaky gasp, Skye wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well you did promise an eternity together.” Holding his gaze, she slowly tilted back her head, exposing her throat in a blatant invitation. “That’s a lot of time to convince me.”
Micha hissed as a soul-deep craving slammed into him. Not just for blood, but for the soft curves that promised pure bliss.