Zanna, on the other hand, appeared frozen. As if shock had turned her into a statue.
“You’re destroying the crystal,” she hissed.
“Yes,” Skye agreed, although she didn’t have a clue what she was doing. Or rather what Peri’s magic was doing.
“No. That’s not possible.” Zanna stared at her with genuine fear. “Who are you?”
This time Skye had an answer. Over the past few days she’d survived a kidnapping, a crazed vampire, and now a dragon. Micha had been right.
“I’m Skye,” she announced in proud tones. “Skye Claremont.”
Flames abruptly danced over Zanna, coating her in a dazzling layer of fire. “Time for you to die, Skye Claremont.”
Skye ignored the warning. Any other time, the cloak of flames might have been impressive, not to mention scary as hell, but she knew this was the pivotal moment that would determine if her vision was fulfilled or if she could change the fate of the world.
Just another day at the office, she wryly acknowledged, shuddering as the wild magic continued to pour from the charm.
“Perhaps, but I’ll destroy the crystal before you kill me,” she said between clenched teeth.
“You fool,” Zanna rasped, the fire disappearing. “It will trap us for an eternity.”
“Good.” Skye smiled. “A world without dragons doesn’t bother me at all.”
“Stop...please.” The word sounded as if it had been wrenched from the depths of her evil soul.
Skye continued to send out the magic. Her trust of the dragon hovered around a negative trillion.
“This rebellion is over, sleeping beauty,” she informed Zanna. “Crawl back to your lair and stay there.”
The dark eyes flared with fury. “You bitch.”
“Me? A bitch? Seriously? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.” She rolled her eyes before she sent another pulse of magic to hammer against the crystal. “Leave or I swear I’ll destroy it.”
A full minute ticked past. Then another. Skye’s mouth was dry and her face coated in sweat. If this didn’t work, then they were screwed.
Then, with a grudging reluctance, the vision began to slowly fade. Really, really slowly. As if Zanna was still considering some last desperate attempt to force Lynx to haul the crystal to the waiting pedestal. Skye took another step forward, trying to look threatening. Not her greatest talent, especially when her clothes were tattered, her face covered in dust and blood, and her hair tangled so badly it was going to take a powerful potion to unknot it.
Still, it was thankfully enough, as the vision of Zanna at last faded and a grinding pressure that Skye hadn’t even realized was pressing against her body abruptly vanished.
Skye swayed, realizing the pressure had been helping her to stay upright. Behind her there was a loud thump and she glanced over her shoulder to see Lynx lying in an unconscious heap, the crystal still clutched in his hands although it was no longer glowing. No surprise. His mind had been grabbed and jerked between competing forces like a fumbled football. There was a real possibility he would remain unconscious for the next century. Or longer.
“Skye.” Micha appeared at her side, wrapping his arms protectively around her. “Are you okay?”
It was a simple question, but a thousand answers sputtered in her brain.
No, of course I’m not okay. I just battled a dragon and nearly died. Yes, I’m fine. I just faced a dragon and lived. Maybe I’ll decide if I’m okay after I’ve had a long nap. Like in a year or so...
“I think so,” she finally managed to mutter.
Micha swept a worried gaze over her face, no doubt sensing she wasn’t in a place to have a coherent conversation.
“Is it over?” was all he asked.
“It’s over,” she breathed.
A grim satisfaction spread over his beautiful face. “Are we done with Azra?”
Her gaze strayed toward the vampire who was glaring at them with a hint of confusion. Obviously he didn’t understand how or why he’d lost his control over Lynx, but he did realize that he no longer had the upper hand.