Page 108 of Ancient Magic

Neither did Micha. Myths and legends quite often were founded on a kernel of truth, but not always. It could have been a story invented by vampires to lure the more ambitious demons to certain death.

Micha concentrated on more important matters. “You arranged for me to be kidnapped.”

“That was entirely your fault,” Azra chastised.

“My fault?”

“I tried on several occasions to open the passage to the crystal before allowing the fairy to attempt the treacherous journey. Your security system was formidable. And costly. I sacrificed dozens of my finest warriors trying to discover a way into the temple. It eventually became obvious I needed you to offer him a way through.” Azra pursed his lips, as if still counting the cost of trying to get his hands on the crystal. “Thankfully, Kane’s petition to Sinjon brought you to New York City. It made everything so simple. I could get my hands on you and eventually the crystal. As a bonus I made sure that Kane was the obvious suspect.”

Micha refused to dwell on how easy he’d made it for the bastard. And how eager they’d all been to suspect the Cabal leader of Russia of treachery. Now wasn’t the time.

“And the medallion?” he asked, talking as he inched forward.

“The what?” Azra looked confused before he remembered why he’d given Lynx the pendant. “Oh. A simple tracking device. I needed to know where the fairy was and when he was finally headed toward this temple. He wouldn’t know to come here until he had his hands on the crystal, so it was an early warning system for me.” He looked pleased at his clever scheme while Micha silently acknowledged that Lynx hadn’t been wrong. Obviously the crystal had been some sort of compass. “Once I was certain it was time to release Zanna, I cleaned up a few loose ends in New York and headed to Panama.”

Micha briefly wondered if Valen knew about Azra’s betrayal. It seemed doubtful. The male had been annoyingly cunning.

“How did you get down here?” Micha asked, judging the distance between him and Azra. Not close enough to attack. But close.

“Zanna revealed a secret tunnel.”

“Of course she did.” Micha rolled his eyes, recalling the lethal maze they’d had to battle through while this male had strolled through a hidden entrance. “And now that you’re here, what’s supposed to happen? I mean, I know the crystal was created here, but why go to so much trouble to bring it back?”

“The crystal is a—” He cut off his words, as if dredging for the word that Zanna had used to lure him to the dark side. “Lock.”

“A lock for what?”

“It keeps the vampires and dragons from breaking the treaty.”

Micha abruptly understood. “It’s the physical manifestation of the blood pledge that keeps the dragons in their hibernation.”

“Exactly,” Azra said. “Once it’s returned to the place it was created, the treaty is at an end.”

They’d suspected that the crystal was connected to releasing the dragons, but it was always good to have confirmation. He’d jumped to way too many conclusions. And paid the price.

“So that’s what the dragons get out of your unholy partnership. What about you? What’s in this for you?”

“Zanna has promised me a position of power.”

Predictable. “And you trusted her?”

“Why wouldn’t I? Everything she has told me has been the truth.”

“I’m sure it has been,” Micha taunted. “She obviously needs you to bring the crystal to this cavern and shatter the magic holding her captive. Once you’ve freed her, you’ll be dispensable. Any childish dreams of becoming leader of the Cabal—”

“There won’t be a Cabal. She has promised to destroy you,” Azra casually interrupted. “Truly destroy you.”


“All of you. Every single vampire. Dead.”

Micha flinched as the truth smashed into him with shocking force. He’d already accepted Azra’s treachery. The male had not only lied and deceived his brothers, but he’d colluded with a dragon to break the treaty that allowed vampires to walk freely, he’d sacrificed countless demons in his demented quest, and no doubt intended to kill Micha and Skye as soon as he’d completed his evil scheme.

But to wipe vampires off the earth for all eternity? That was demented. Or whatever was beyond demented.

Unhinged. Certifiable. Batshit crazy.

All of the above.