Page 103 of Ancient Magic

“I tried to use the emergency exit to sneak in. I didn’t want Azra to know I’d seen what he did. But he must have sensed my presence at the theater. He followed me back to the lair and attacked me when I reached the garage.” Kane glanced down at the numerous wounds that marred his chest. None of them were healing in his weakened state. “I managed to get into an elevator and get down here. I knew you’d have a place to hide. That’s it. That’s all I know.”

Kane flopped his head back and Valen straightened. This male had revealed all he was going to. At least for now. And it was time for Valen to turn his attention to tracking down the missing Azra.

Lifting a hand, he waved it toward the waiting Gabriel. Instantly understanding what he wanted, the older male turned to gesture toward the guards, who eagerly rushed into the room.

“Take him to the dungeons,” Valen commanded, handing the bag of blood to the demon in charge of the dungeons. “Don’t feed him until you have him chained.”

The large male nodded and Valen turned to leave.

“Someday we’ll finish this, Valen,” Kane rasped as he was roughly hauled off the floor by four goblins.

“It’s finished,” Valen announced with a cold indifference that revealed his utter lack of fear.

Kane might leave his dungeons. Some day. But he would never be a threat again.

Valen headed out of the safe room, glancing toward Gabriel, who fell into step next to him. “Do you believe what he said?”

“I believe he told us what he knows. Whether that’s the full truth is yet to be determined.” Gabriel shrugged. “What now?”

“We call Sinjon,” Valen said. The ultimate leader of the Cabal needed to know he’d been betrayed by his servant.

The sooner the better.

“And if Sinjon is involved in Azra’s plot?”

“Then we’re screwed.”