Page 90 of The Murder Club

Thorpe yawned. “He’d have to get in line.”

Fury blasted through Dom at the man’s smug confidence that he was impervious to getting the shit beat out of him. Kaden was his best friend and this sleazebag was willing to worm his way . . .

The sensation of Bailey’s slender fingers squeezing his hand pierced through his anger, allowing him to regain command of his composure. He wasn’t going to do Bailey any good if he ended up in jail. Besides, Thorpe wasn’t worth the effort.

Keeping a tight hold on his hand, Bailey glared at the jerk. “Not to be repetitive, but why would you need pictures of me if you’re writing a book about Kaden?”

“Lia is a big part of his life and you’re her best friend,” Thorpe retorted. “Of course you would be included in the book.”

The answer was smooth. Too smooth. “That’s not the only reason,” Dom warned.

There was a flash of something in the green eyes. Something dark and dangerous.

“Okay.” His tone was sharp with annoyance. “I also hoped to get some exclusive information on Lia and perhaps her relationship with Kaden.”

“Exclusive?” Bailey looked confused. “You mean things she told me in confidence?”


“I would never betray her trust.”

Thorpe stared at Bailey as if she was some sort of alien being. And she probably seemed like one to the paparazzo. She had an innocent belief in the goodness of her fellow man. A belief that was all too rare these days.

“Everyone has their price,” Thorpe informed her.

Bailey grimaced. “Money?”

“It’s what makes the world go round.”

“Not my world,” Bailey assured him.

Thorpe shrugged. “Yeah, I figured that out early on.”

“That’s why he’s spying on you,” Dom informed Bailey, not surprised when she continued to look confused.

Her naïveté created a source of wonderment and fear inside Dom.

“I don’t understand,” she said.

“The bastard was hoping to find some way to force you to give him the information he wants.”

“By taking my picture?”

“He was hoping to catch you doing something he could use to blackmail or bully you into giving him what he wants.”

Bailey shuddered as she sent Thorpe a glare brimming with revulsion. “You’re despicable.”

“I’m a businessman.” Thorpe nodded toward the books stacked on his desk. “I know what people want and I’ll do whatever’s necessary to give it to them.”

“Did you pay anyone else in town to spy on Bailey?” Dom asked.

“No.” Thorpe pressed a hand over his heart, his expression mocking. “I swear.”

Dom took a threatening step forward, childishly pleased when Thorpe stumbled back. “Like I would believe a word that comes out of your lying mouth.”

As if embarrassed he’d revealed he wasn’t as impervious to fear as he wanted them to believe, Thorpe pulled out his phone and held it up in a threatening gesture.

“I’ve told you everything. Now get off my property before I really do call the sheriff.”