Page 58 of The Murder Club

“And he’s not a fan,” Dom growled, the dread that pulsed through him suddenly edged with a fierce anger. “I’m no expert on stalkers, but I’m guessing he sees you as his private property. He’s angry that you would be giving me attention when you should be concentrating on his sick game.”

Bailey shivered but, clenching her teeth, she responded to the creep.

Dom Lucier is a friend.

You don’t need a friend. You have me.

Who are you?

There was a pause, as if the stalker hadn’t expected the blunt question.

You know who I am.

Bailey sucked in a sharp breath. “‘You know who I am,’” she read out loud. “Does he mean from the Murder Club? Or does he mean I actually know him? Like in real life?”

Dom nodded toward her phone. “Ask him.”

If I know you, why can’t you give me a name?

You have to earn the privilege. Solve the case, Bailey, and stop wasting time.

Bailey sent Dom a worried glance. “He sounds annoyed.”

Dom agreed. It was impossible to be certain with a text, but the stalker wasn’t asking Bailey to join him in the game. He was demanding it.

Bailey typed in her response.

Which case? Nellie or Pauline or Gage?

Clever, clever girl. I wasn’t sure you’d managed to connect them. But hurry. You’re already behind.

Then help me, Bailey typed back.

I have. The clues are all around you.

Bailey and Dom shared a worried glance. Was the stalker referring to the pearls left on her back porch and the phone left on Gage’s desk? Or were there more clues they were missing?

Where? Bailey asked. If we’re in this game together, why won’t you tell me where to find the clues?

You would see them if you weren’t with Lucier. Perhaps you’re bored with the cases I have offered. Would you like a new one?

Bailey cursed as she hurriedly typed in the word, No.

The seconds ticked past. Then the minutes. Bailey sent more texts.

Hello? Please. I’m not bored. I need your help.

There was no response. At last Bailey gave up, glancing at Dom with a worried expression.

“That was a warning.”

“Yes,” he agreed. “Why else would he ask if you want another case?”

She shoved the phone back into her purse. “We need to find Lia’s files.”

Chapter 12

They located Lia’s files stacked in a closet of Kaden’s office. Lia had mentioned that she was anxious to have her first private space to run her financial empire. She’d spent the past decade working out of the back of her family’s grocery store. But they were still waiting on the plumbing to be finished and the furnishings she’d special ordered from a local craftsman to be delivered.