“I’ll be fine,” she forced herself to say.
“Yes,” he agreed, reaching out to cup her face in his hands. “Yes, you will.”
She tried to ignore the pleasure tingling through her at his soft touch. “Dom, you came here to relax, not to be my personal bodyguard.”
His thumb brushed her lower lips. “I did say I wanted to spend time with you, remember? The more time the better as far as I’m concerned.”
His voice was low and husky with the same desire that burned inside her. Bailey lifted her hands, but she didn’t push him away. Instead, she rested her palms against his chest and tilted back her head to meet his smoldering gaze. She’d spent years erecting her protective barriers, but they were no match for this man.
He was smashing through them with outrageous ease.
She heaved a wry sigh of defeat. “I still don’t get it.”
“Get what?”
“Why you would be interested in me.” She pressed her fingers against his lips, refusing to let him speak. “I’m not begging for compliments, but I’m a realist. I am the typical small-town girl. There’s nothing special about me.”
He gazed down at her, waiting for her to remove her fingers, before he answered.
“Remy was a successful con artist because he was handsome and persuasive and people allowed themselves to be fooled by his image of respectability,” he said, referring to his father. “They wanted to believe in his get-rich-quick schemes and his shallow seductions. Just as my mother wanted to believe his assurances that he was going to change. But his promises were empty.”
Her hands smoothed over his broad chest, offering comfort for the past that would never fully heal.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It was a painful lesson for anyone unfortunate enough to cross Remy’s path, but his cruel games taught me to watch what people do, not what they say.” He deliberately paused, gazing down at her. “And what you do is make this world a better place every day you’re in it.”
Her eyes widened, her heart forgetting to beat at his outrageous claim. “That’s . . .” She was too flustered to speak.
His hands skimmed down the curve of her neck, his dark gaze focused on her with an intensity that sent chills shivering through her.
“You genuinely care about your friends and neighbors and the residents at the nursing home.” He chuckled. “Lia calls you ‘her bundle of sunshine.’ What could be more special than bringing happiness to others?”
His words touched her more deeply than she wanted to admit. What woman didn’t want to be a bundle of sunshine?
“I could be rich and beautiful and sexy,” she tried to tease.
“You’ve got beautiful and sexy covered,” Dom growled. “And if you were interested in money, you wouldn’t have become a nurse.”
“I’m not beautiful,” Bailey protested, a flush staining her face. Compliments always made her feel awkward.
“It’s all in the eye of the beholder,” he insisted. “And to me, you are exquisite.”
Bailey curled her fingers into his flannel shirt as the world seemed to tilt beneath her feet. There was a stark sincerity in his voice that assured her that he wasn’t mouthing words he thought she wanted to hear. He truly thought she was beautiful.
“It’s still a mystery,” she breathed. “But at least it’s a nice mystery.”
As if sensing she’d accepted there was no fighting against the desire smoldering between them, Dom released a low growl of anticipation.
“I think we can do better than nice.”
Still holding her gaze, he plunged his fingers into the damp strands of her hair and lowered his head. He skated his lips over hers. The kiss was a soft promise, like the brush of a butterfly’s wing, but it created pure chaos as her heart thundered and her stomach clenched with sweet anticipation. He stroked his lips back and forth, the delicate friction setting off tingles of erotic pleasure.
Bailey wrapped her arms around his neck, arching her back to press against his large body. Her breath caught in her throat. His muscles were rock hard, offering a direct contrast to her feminine curves. Yin and yang fitting together with amazing perfection.
Lost in the dazzling pleasure that swirled through her, Bailey wanted to forget the troubles that plagued her. Just for a few minutes she wanted to be young and carefree, with nothing on her mind but the shattering pleasure of Dom’s kisses.
Unfortunately, the world had no intention of cooperating.