Page 80 of Lock 'em Down

What the hell does it mean? Why is he contacting me?

Is it really to make amends? Or does he still think there’s something…there…between us?

No, that doesn’t make sense. And it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t fucking matter!

I sigh and grip my phone tightly. It buzzes again and I smile when I note Izzy’s name on the screen.

Izzy: Have fun this weekend! I love the photos you sent of your dress! You look hawt, lady, and Leif isn’t going to be able to keep his hands off you.

I snort and take a seat in the armchair.

Me: It’s so cute here! I’ll send more pictures. What are you up to this weekend?

Izzy: Going to meet Mia and Tamara for brunch. Then, a hot date tonight! I met him online though so…sharing my location.

Me: Totally share! Tell the girls I say hello and give them hugs. Call me this week?

Izzy: Obviously. We’ll have to rehash my date.

Me: I can’t wait. xx

I’m about to resume my book perusal when a man’s voice rings out. I remain seated instead.

“Man, I’ve never seen Leif like this,” Ray—I think it’s Ray—says. I squint, as if that will help me hear better. But I’m fairly certain it’s Ray.

“He’s happy, bro,” James replies.

I freeze, my hands gripping the armrests of the chair.

I glance down at my phone in my lap. Levi’s name swims before my eyes. Taunting me.

I slip the phone back into my pocket and pull in a shaky breath.

“Yeah,” Ray says, sounding unconvinced. “I just wonder how much of it is real and how much he’s trying to convince himself.”

What? My heart thrums in my eardrums and I wring my hands.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” James asks and I don’t miss the clip of anger in his tone. It makes me feel marginally—in the tiniest way possible—better.

“Take it easy,” Ray mutters.

“You sound jealous,” James tosses back. His sticking up for Leif, for Leif and me, eases my anger slightly.

“Jesus,” Ray hisses. “I’m not saying it to be a dick.”

A beat of silence passes.

Then, Ray continues. “In all the years you’ve known Leif, what has he ever failed at?”

“Nothing,” James replies instantly. A quick response he didn’t have to think about.

“Exactly. Then, he marries a stranger while drunk in Vegas.”


Ray chuckles. “You know Leif, man. He’s been Laid-back Leif since before college, but he’s grown up. When he sets his mind on something, does he throw in the towel or double down?”