Page 47 of Lock 'em Down

My team has my back, and I didn’t realize how much I needed that. How great it would feel to lean on them.

I hope Cami feels the same way in the future.

“You’re fucking married?” Jake asks. He looks even more serious than usual as he glares at me through the screen.

“Take it easy,” my youngest brother, Tanner, tosses out. “Mom says Cami is great.”

“Mom would,” Jensen mutters, glancing over his shoulder at his girlfriend, Bailey, who is holding back her laughter.

“A Vegas wedding, huh?” my eldest brother Kingston asks.

“I’d never get away with that,” Annie laments.

“That’s true,” I toss out. “Listen, it was obviously not planned but…we’re giving it a shot. I can’t wait for you all to meet her.”

“I hope that happens before your actual wedding,” Tanner says.

King chuckles. “With the way Mom’s telling it? Y’all will be married—again—by the end of summer.”

“The twins are excited,” Jake mutters, looking exhausted. But happy. Since he’s settled down with Gardenia, he looks a lot less stressed, which is a good thing.

“I am too,” I admit. “And it will be a great opportunity to spend time with Rory, Gardenia, and Bailey,” I point out, sticking to the positives.

Annie chuckles. “You’re reaching, Leif.”

“Hell, I know,” I admit.

My siblings laugh.

“You look good, though,” Annie adds. “You look happy.”

“I am,” I say honestly. “I really am. And I truly want to make my marriage work.”

“Good for you, man,” King tosses out.

Jake and Tanner nod in agreement.

“I’ll keep you posted on the wedding details,” I say as Mom enters the kitchen. I see her through the screen door leading to my patio. “Mom is out of the shower.”

“Oh! I gotta go before she reads me the riot act,” Annie says.

“I need to go, too,” Jensen says, exchanging another not-so-secret look with Bailey.

Kingston snorts. “How’s your visit with Mom going?”

Annie and Jensen sign off.

I sigh. “Honestly, not too bad. I mean, she’s driving me nuts with the questions, but all things considered, I think I’m getting off easier than you guys did.”

“That’s what happens when you marry a stranger,” Tanner sounds thoughtful.

“Don’t get any ideas,” Jake shuts him down.

“But be prepared for Mom,” King warns. “While she’s happy to visit with Leif, him one-upping her has not taken the wind out of her sails. You and Annie are gonna be next.”

King, Jake, and I laugh at Tanner’s fearful expression.

“Mom’s got the kettle on,” I tell them.