The way to a man’s heart was supporting his idiotic scheme of trying to save helpless animals and being there for him no matter what. It made my chest expand, and I wanted to make all her dreams come true in utmost gratitude that she’d found something inside me worthy of attention.
She’d well and truly bulldozed down my walls and no longer needed a key. She was my key.
Shoving aside my chaotic emotions for her, I jumped off the stoop to open her door the moment she’d pulled to a stop. “Thank you so much for coming. Seriously this means—”
Climbing out, she silenced me with a cool finger on my lips and grabbed my hand. Her blue eyes glowed in the darkness and her blonde hair somehow captured the embarrassing excuse for a porch light and turned it into spun gold. “Don’t mention it.”
I had a wounded dog who hadn’t stopped howling. I had a bleeding arm that hadn’t been washed. But all I wanted to do was kiss her.
So I did.
Pushing her shoulders, I backed her against the car and flattened her body with mine. “Fuck, Vesper, what the hell am I going to do with you?” My lips locked over hers.
She didn’t fight me.
Her mouth opened, and we slipped from welcome kiss to savage.
The explosive past two days erupted and her leg hooked over my hip as I did my best to morph into her body.
I rocked into her. Hard.
Her breathy moans only made me harder, fogging up my brain, adding to the pain in my cock.
The kiss lasted a lot longer than was appropriate for middle of the night canoodling, and when I pulled away, she giggled. “Dry humping me again, Mr. Carson. Are you sure you aren’t part dog like all your rescue friends?” She cocked her head. “Do you have any secrets you’d like to tell me?”
She had no idea how much I needed a light-hearted joke. The past few hours had been far too serious. I’d had tears in my eyes most of the time from listening to the rescue dog whine in pain on the way home. She took away that heavy anxiety and let me cope once again.
I laughed, taking her hand and leading her up the rickety front steps. “Not part dog but I can’t deny I have fantasies of taking you doggy style.”
Her cheeks heated but not in embarrassment. We’d spent enough time together now that I recognised it for the same desire I felt.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“Promise?” My stomach clenched.
She looped her pinkie with mine. “Pinkie promise. It’s a favourite position of mine.”
Honestly, could she get any more perfect?
First, she let go of all inhibition and then didn’t mind discussing sex even when we hadn’t leapt that barrier yet. It was so natural, so easy. No hesitation or coyness.
Letting her go, I took a step away. “I’m sorry, but I can’t touch you right now.”
Her eyebrows rose. “Because we have work to do and creatures relying on us and if you don’t stop touching me, you’ll slam me against another convenient hard surface and have your wicked way with me?” She pulled a foil packet from her back pocket. “Because if that’s the case, then yes, I suggest you keep your dirty paws off me, but if you can’t, at least one of us is prepared this time.”
I groaned loudly, stirring sexual intoxication with mirth. “Fuck.” Rubbing my face, I murmured, “Everything you said is true and put that damn condom away. I don’t need any more temptation than I already have.”
She waggled the packet, pouting with her delicious watermelon flavoured lips. “Pity. I was rather hoping I could break you.”
“Oh, you’re breaking me all right.”
Her chin popped in the air. “Well, I’m glad. You’ve already broken me.” Her eyes darkened. “Want to know a secret?”
I groaned again. “Does this secret have anything to do with how wet you’ve been over the past few days? Because if it is, I don’t want to know.” Cupping between my legs, I fisted my erection. “This damn thing hasn’t deflated since our last phone call. It’s your responsibility to do something about it.”
“My secret was I’ve been through a whole weeks’ worth of knickers because I get so worked up whenever I think of you.” Her gaze dropped to my groin. “And because of that, Mr. Carson…you have a choice. I’m here to help, after all.”