Page 111 of Can't Touch This

I hadn’t enquired if she’d rather go back to her place.

I was driving. Therefore, I was in control.

I didn’t believe that nonsense, of course, but something had happened in the store and it wasn’t just the hug or heart-twisting confession.

Damn David was right.

I felt things when I hugged her.

I felt things from myself and from her. I wasn’t ready to figure out what it all meant yet but I could admit that whatever affection I had for Vesper—it had increased a thousand fold.

Not because of the stupid hug.

But because of her admission. Because of her embarrassment and shame caused by people who didn’t understand what made her go above and beyond. She couldn’t even find joy in her donations because every time she did she heard the doom and gloom from others.

It was a shitty situation to be in.

Guilty if she does.

Guilty if she doesn’t.

I felt so fucking sorry for her and wanted to do anything I could to help—not as a charity case but because I wanted this woman in my life and I needed her to be happy.

When we first met, I knew she was selfless when it came to vet services. She undercharged me on every single operation and consultation. She gave me medicine and ointments at cost price. She was more interested in making sure the animal was pain free than what her accounting looked like.

It was reckless.

Idiotic to be so giving.

The human race were notorious takers and she would be taken advantage of until she had nothing left to give. As much as I understood her drive, I also didn’t want her to fall into financial ruin. One day a few months ago, I’d even seen her help out a stray cat that no one claimed and neutered it free of charge so it could be rehomed easily.

That sort of dedication went above and beyond a career.

Now I understood why she had no clothes in her wardrobe and no food in her fridge.


The little she had she gave to those creatures in need.

Pulling to a stop outside the main veranda, I turned the key and the engine quieted. We sat there in silence for a second or two before I raked both hands through my hair and shot her a smile. I had a lot more questions and we had to discuss it. But not tonight. “I didn’t really give you a choice, but I hope you’re okay spending the night with me?”

Vesper tilted her chin. “Depends if you have running water or not. I have work tomorrow and need a shower to wake up. Plus, dogs have a keen sense of smell. I can’t stink for their sake.”

“I doubt you stink.”

She huffed. “Girl’s stink just like boys.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” I laughed.

“So? My answer hinges on your ability to provide basic facilities.”

“Well, that works in my favour as my foreman assured me the plumber finished his duties this afternoon. Showers, baths, and any other aquatic activity should be no problem whatsoever.”

“In that case, I’ll stay.” She smiled. “I don’t want to come across as a sex hungry diva but I packed my scrubs and fresh underwear with my toothbrush in my handbag, just in case you pulled a stunt like this.”

I chuckled. “I don’t know if I should be happy for your forward thinking, your ability to second guess my next move, or horrified I came across as such a sure thing.”

“Oh, you’re a sure thing, all right.”